Friday, February 8, 2013

Window in the Sky

Windows. Time.

Panes white, looking through
Glass Floating, clouds hue

Rays beyond, peaking past
Blue & Gods

Flat sky, stretching, connecting
Under it.

Want to hold this moment..
In time..

Because the candle
Beside my bed flickers
Holding that dancing shine...
Yellow & thine..
Brilliance tip-toeing..
Under Beloved space..
Hues of time..
Grasped...let go...
Stand your ground.
Because it's where you belong!
Right there! Powerful.

And I find myself loving the sink-hole,
The division of Emersion..
The galaxies that collide..
Under lost nights..
Those hours where veil is weakened
And we can penetrate through..
Travel to..
And beyond...

I want to find the space within...
Where I am no longer missing
Of them...

Because they are there,

And I am Love.
By me

So that when they come,
They will not know me any other way
And a bow, a grace,
A hug, and breath shared..
Will be once again,
The only way.

Can I speak of clouds, windows, gateways in the sky,
Doorways in our eyes..

Release from the prison internal..?.
How I wish, I could pardon them all...
Tell them all...
Love them all...
Shake and awake them all,

But Life no,
The trick you see...
Is that it has to first come through me.

I truly
Do love.
Beyond. Humbled. Vast, like space, in galaxies...
As I ought to...

It shouldn't surprise me...
I am the essence of HIM, afterall.

The essence of Love, vast,
Somewhere deep...

Touching barely any portion of Love's puzzle pieces...

But even still,
Enough to see.

In this window sill,
Floating above everything,
View of the clouds, and how they call the sky Heaven...

It is. Though so am I sitting here, observing.

The small moments in,
Making them gigantic,
Giving them room, and leave,
To take over...

To take over to remind me,
That that which I seek
Through others, through dreams-
Goals, visions, creativity, love...

That not an ounce of it can compare,
To this Heaven,
This vision,
This insurmountable infinite, infinite
Space in me,
That yet,
I have to understand.

I can only try..

And as I do,
They never go away.

Perhaps it's my innocent youth...
Or perhaps,
It really is Love..
Some form of,
Seeing enough God,
In them,
To honor,
Enough to love..

And I would say,
That I think I do...

I would say,
That I do!

Falling back now, I trail to my bed-space,
Back hitting,
Covers lifting...
Soul drifting..
Sight Seeing..

They are all there.
In me.

And I wish I could bottle this..,
This recognition,
And feeling...

So that when I go outside again...
I remember to take my home with me...
My within..

And so instead
Surrender all, and any of this pain.

But you know...
Even they don't know...
How miraculous,
How devotionally mesmerizing...
The sight is...

To look, beyond...
And to have moments,
Where in endless ways,
We start to converse, meet
Face to face...

Every moment, precious.
The Solid Gold of our inner most Soul..
Our core,
Not contained even by our own vessel;

You can not make someone see this.
Nor value.
And I want to give that up here...
Give it up, for acceptance,
Faith, qualities of spirit,
So that at least in my world,
I can give out miracles..
Receive God, as me...

As I honor She,
This Ariel. This beautiful, perfect thing...

She is quite vast. Quite limitless. Quite loving..
Amazing, scared, resilient...

It has been tough on her..
On me..

But I am okay
With all that now...

Never knowing,
In all our humanity,
How we will hold the space...

But we can try.
And so I try.
Myself. All of them. These beautiful, alter-gods that surround me;
Mirrors and seas of faces, as me...
Not being able to blame even one..

Even me.
Forgiving, completely...

And attempting to bottle this moment
For store.

Forgiving myself,
Ever more,

Releasing the seriousness behind,
Just everything...

Especially my own climb.
And especially...

So for now...
Love is sitting here...
And I attempt to bottle it...
For all the days to come..

For all the moments to test..
For the pain, that as a vein of life, will never go away..

I bottle
This love,
This forgiveness and whole sight..
This space between Soul and night...
Black, where galaxies may exist...

Bottling as much non-resist, that shall fit...
The Peace.. This knowing..
This window..
In the sky.

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