Monday, February 11, 2013

Star Collapsed

Passing Through hands,
Rain splattered pavements,

There...she was...
Just waiting.

Hat getting drenched,
Lips Apple Red...

Staring through the sky tearing...
Looking straight through me.

She didn't seem to notice
Her toes on high soaked to her knees,
Nor the Hem of her coat growing limbs of water
Further and and upward upon her body...

She just stared.
Looking at me; past me..
Through me...
Soul Agaze... As though fire were raining, stars falling out of the sky
And Heaven and Hell were shaking.

I can not tell
If she is someone other than me...
Lost in this space between,

Staring so beckoningly at me...

And it was hard to see through the stars falling,
But I could have sworn there were tears there, so far away...
And it scared me..

Like this Dream was about to Aroar in Fire & Ash before me,
As if those glistening pearls down her face,
Was her last goodbye.

The world shook,
And a comet fell from the sky...

And when I looked,
She was
No more.

And I just stood...
The Lostness in my Soul writhing...
My deepest quiet screaming as it sank up into me,
And the memories of horses and field's,
Her, there smiling as we went riding...

Sank up into me...
Things I'd never seen,
Yet there they were..
Forever I side,
As I watched her disappear
Right before my eyes,
In a single,
Slow-motion blink.

Street on fire and rumbling,
Sirens and screams thundering,
And All I could do was stand there...

Watching the fire tour the street,
The heaviest of rains shadowing me,
Pattering the street...

And there, she..

Was gone.

Her gaze, her stare...
Burned in me,
Pressed and branded, like other world symmetry...

And I knew why she had arrived.

Knew who she was, and what I had to do...

My Angel from the sky...
And why she cried.
Why she burned and said goodbye...

A Hello...
A Hello..

From something much beyond...
This world that suddenly took her.

And she knew...
And she did it all,

For me.

Burned for me..

Just so I could see...

Through her Red Apple Lips,
And hat drenched.
Through her gaze into the single soul of us two..
And tears leaning in...

She allowing me...
To see again.

To see,
Having somehow In a single breath,
Lost everything,
I never had,
But would forever gain.

Her gaze,
My light turned on.
My thirst quenched;

Once I lived
And died...

Coming back in time...

Showing me,
These memories...

And now,
I just live again...

Watching her perish,
And everything sink...
Then, then,
That everything
Becoming the tiniest,
Point in me...

Like a star.

Yes She.
My star Collapsed,

In me.

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