Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Priceless

As I surround myself in this symbolic cove of protection;
The one suggested by the Rune of Protection, and symbolized through Elk "Medicine",

What I seem to be flexibly opening up to is the vast space of Love
That just IS

Suddenly, it doesn't seem so hard to just love everybody..
To allow myself to be raised by the Village, or to Love all the individuals in the village back.
Boundaries seem to hold my peace for retreat,
As I take my time to self to assess the fable of life.
It is a thousand interesting things I find,
As I sit and read my self; this book contained unending and within.

The last few days, I have gone on missing him..something about this Cat to my soul..
And I have watched myself grow..
Becoming more wide in acceptance, spirit.

I read my book, and watch how the chess pieces seem to drip onto certain spaces on my board...
My conscious and Sub, controlling them through intent I don't even fully understand.

They say, that wisdom lies deeply in the man who can surrender to The Mystery, and it's unfolding...
I have sat many days pulling in this "letting go", that I can reign in a much deeper love...
One bond vast and unbreakable with Self.

I have my innocence still,
Broken pieces still on the shelf..

But as I lay in bed and stare upwards,
I let all time and wisdom, all thought,
And it's counterpart
Scoop me up to bring me home, to that place of peace I find after a while..

I just needed time. To reconvene. To recollect from the Web I through up. Stirring up. Unforeseen histories.

I just needed me.
Time to really find her, as she lay just below a surface waiting to shake, and break wide open.

I've found her, in this Peace-
Only took a lifetime...
28 years, not really so bad- Thank You, Village..

But it's interesting straddling what my Reverend calls that
"Simultaneous Consciousness"...
Where our Peace walk side beside within us, with our Egoic Mind-
That mind,
Ever processing, counting, calculating..trying to know, trying to see...feeling, and making more out of it than need be..

Surrendering, allowing, accepting, determining "right action"..
Waiting sometimes,
Praying and going "inside"
Asking for wisdom from a completely different mind..

And yes,
As I watch Ariel,
I watch her walk both sides...

The wisdoms seem to really hit home now more than ever;
As if with each recognition,
It grows this etheric body of energy in me,
As me..
And I feel myself widen to take the world in.

They spoke so many times of Love;
How it was the only force that could heal the world...

I never realized how true this was,
Until I tasted Her...
Her's healing property...until I let Her heal me...

And yes, Her, being Love.
What a truly potent, potent remedy..

But as I found, one can not fully understand such a truth, until they seek to embody it- be it- sacrifice for it...

By making that nasty journey within and through our darkest shadow sides, before we can get to that inner pool of Golden Light.

Self Love dwells,
And all healing,
From inside out.

I face this space with time now..
With Everyday's now.
With Love in my Heart; surrender, acceptance..
With Space, so I can learn to see...

And not just view.

I have been wrong,
And blind..

An within this space,
I also take all time to see those happenings..
To love an forgive myself..

And to love them
For raising me,
Taking care if me,

All these beautiful things and creatures o the world I had so often blamed.

No...but how could I?
No, not into my attempt to see..

I simply can't...

I try to take the space to see and love them..
And Love.
See and Love...

And again, see
And Love...

There is only one truth amidst the many..
And this truth I attempt into infinity,

To see and Love.

In my human-ness...
Certain things are not yet lost..

Like Him..
And the cravings and submissions...

But at least in this cove;
This "antler" space of protection-
And the warrant of time, the Now...

I can learn my way through..
Seeking these deep virtues of spirit...

Through Him..
And they..
And all my attempt..
And all my learned..

As I finally submit..
To being Village-Raised.

I may let them all Love me,
And I can let myself Love "they"..

For in this Golden Pool of Vast Space-
Peace, Time, Love..
I am watching the old systems fade and die away..


And so here I'll sit...
Learning to truly Love, Again!

In the "Old" way.
The way, once forgotten...
But ever Timeless and Sacred.


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