Saturday, February 2, 2013

Very Real War

And it's not that I want to call you guys vultures,
But aren't you?
Because I can't fathom...
I just can not comprehend,
A mind that takes,
In full action of offenses pertained;
For a carcass bleeding in your world
Seems to be a good thing.

I don't know,
How one can take the sky so blue, and puff poison into ecosystems,
Painting it black...
Much like my love so true,
Ego, the chemical: wrath.

Hurting a little..
Head hung low..
Let go of not one, nor two, but three...
Two, the heart of me...
Boundaries, Boundaries,
Overstepping fate.
Playing to the death of me, with no human taste..
For if it is not a heart that suffocates,
It is a mind that bleeds..
When I let Heathen,
Steal in
The Best of me.

If I don't remind myself,
Of how they painted my blue sky black,
I will let them come in,
And seize my home,
Painting the rest without tact.

Can not argue with shadow...
It will always twist, enough to evade,
And even worse,
Ever so Clever
At the Art of Scorning in Blame.

I can not ask the demon's
To hold true to my light...
Where as once a war,
Still once more,
It is a war lost, as they forget to fight..

For in Ego's battle,
Ego's won,
Discerning wrongly which side's right...
Is truth so hard a precious value,
That we really can't see it's sight?

I amend my fate,
where failed they've to partake..
Letting go,
A weary soul,
And two,
And three,
To shake.

I can not hold this heart of light out,
It singing it White Light Ablaze..
Holding it up, to demon's face,
And expecting it to catch their gaze..

For might as well be,
As just it shows,
Invisible for all else sake..
It is like I never held it up,
As just now,
I return it
to it's place..

I will let it glow,
In the depth of me,
It's light to come bright through my eyes..
And perhaps a day,
Will come when they,
These demon's have the eyes for Light.

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