Monday, February 11, 2013

Almost Had Me

I almost cared..
Until I danced..

I almost cared
Until he watched, mesmerized..
The twinkle in my wink
The hypnotized in his eyes...

Telling him,
And the exclamation,
"What an idiot"..
As My rile turns,
Into heartbeats revived.

I almost cared,
Until she sang my life,
Stage- the world,
Possibility, my prize.

Reaching and dancing
As the veins of sight
Stretching my arms,
Visions, my night..

Beating to rhythms
As thighs quake hips,
My eyes the gateway,
With tell-story limbs...

I almost cared,
Until I forgot...
The silly affairs
Contain her not...

Freed to the sound..
Rhythm in waves..
Life stretching out
To ever contain

It's something they see,
She in her flair..
The Beyond in her eyes,
The slow motion in her hair...

How time slows,
When she sings or casts-
Spells the body of her motions,
The Goddess, her secret to the Vast.

Infinite Gold
Stretching in her light...
When they look they may not see it-
Doesn't stop them from being mesmerized...

I almost
Until I remembered there...

The coveted,
So coveted,
As I watch without affair.

Watching, to whom I dance...
Leaving the Charmed in tact...
Walking away from the dance floor...
Back a cast.

I almost...
Almost cared..
'Til I remembered there..

The choice, the silliness of affair,
As Dog's Tongues smack...

To see...
Her affect of He...and she...
And they...
And it..
Had been so silly of me..
To forget...

That I almost cared.

I saw myself

Was no turning back.

I almost cared.
Rabbit did not.

Lucky for me...
I almost forgot...

I actually couldn't care..
And it's there again...
The memory that I do not.

As I Dance my feet,
Sing as She..

I free my body...choices come easily...
As knowing me..
I will see to it..
That this time, this time,
There's nothing to it..

The silly

The affair of life..

Living the dream,
As Spirit sings
My quiet...

I almost cared..
But this 29 Baby..
She's just too much a Riot..
To ever
Let man sink her...
Instead they drink her..

This new energy she grounds for the long haul...
Goddess charms,
Casted alarms,
As she ventures to leave them in tact..

Turning her back,
And focusing on the World agrave..

She's got, she's got,
Many a soul to save..

Turning her back, giving you a second chance,
To not
Watch your heart break...
Undoing the seductive charms of her snake..

Leaving you,
Leaving them..

In tact.

Almost cared.
She did not.


For you..

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