Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Body of God

Sands of time unwind
In the now,
Each grain, a present-
A presence.
A soul.
A light.
A stand.
This is God,
The each.
The you,
And the me.
The them and the rest...
Matter, life
In any
Of its forms.
In the stars, the ethers,
The invisible.

Like Love.

Yet everything
The trace of perfection behind,

And recorded.
And laid away somewhere
In this concept they call
The Mind of God
Laid away somewhere in Akashia..
Laid away enough for us to hold
Massive collective
And personal 100% recall,
(Merely untapped)...
Let's call it:
The Quantum Impression
-the matter that resonates in an individual's or group's quantum field, aka, Aura.
And so it lay,
Leaving pathway to trace
Into the no-time;
That which
We call "Past".

But there is no "time" really
In the mind of God,
Because time only ever truly exists
(Or can exist)
The Now.
And the NOW.
And the now.
And the NOW.
Get the point?
Time being only:
A collection of every "now" that existed.
So it is a concept. and therefore a thing, but not matter,
As WE know it.

I am here.
holding hands with what they call "the angels"...
So I call them that too..
It works.

It's all the same.
Holding hands with them is holding hands with you
Is holding hands with the Divine.
With the Holiness.
With the Grace.
With God...

And here,
I climb the tree of Life,
"I say so"...
And I reach the top and peek the valleys green and vast beyond
I hold present, and hold conscious view of heaven
Without even an eye closed.

And if that is not God...
Not God in it's vast miracle
Ever present, all the time...
Ever HOLDING space for us,
Memory, imprint-
Word of wisdom, or book-
Judge of new morale, or nature...
And how as such the iChing came to be,
As but nature ever observed
Through the present moment;
Through the now.
Through the "No-Time".

Who are we being
When we keep secrets?
When we mistake & fall?
When we don't know how to get out of something?
Who are we, but God,
In our present...? Ever learning,
Ever growing, ever choosing
If we will at least honor
THAT MUCH of the truth?!

God is here.
I know this because I see this;
Experience the miracle of myself
As some vast creativity machine,
Ever coming up from within,
Remembered, traced,
Quantum impressions,
Re-shaping into the new
As Now.
And re-shaping into the NOW,
As new.
So it is not that we never come up with something Original...
It just may be that what we trace often is not OUR original.
I watch myself do original everyday
In the way
I paint and portray,
In the way I write, dipped only in the essence of my pen,
My ink-
MY specific soul trace of God.
God & I
Create mylife
As me.....
I think
Is pretty Original.
Just as I think, and so is Love.
And how there will never be
Another "time" (Now)
Where you will hold THIS FORM of God
And I will hold "THIS" form
And we will Love in THAT form-
The bond between the two of us
As a one-time-only
Limited edition

That bond,
We all love,
Because it is.

Are the one-time-limited edition
Of the Presence (of God)

Our Life-
Who we'll be,
How we will be
And why we will be.

And without the Now
We can never be.
Without the presence, the sitting still,
Without the inner look, or the watchful observer,
We will never remember
That no matter who we are choosing to be..
GOD doesn't abandon us
But we abandon God-
Every time we forget
That WE are the ever powerful creators..
We leave
The now
By taking a dip in the illusion,
The Maya, the Dream...
And this dream states, that we are innately separate from of creator.
But inherently, our soul
Is pulled to oneness
From WITHIN of all places...,
So I ask any,
That we are separate at all from the channel of the divine,
If we ALL,
Carry the CALL
From Within?!

The only answer,
Is that we impede our ability
To receive eating the call at all...

But it has been my experience,
That once you break through,

Or until the call
Becomes a Siren,
And WHEN you do,

It is a number,
You will forever be able to dial again.
And receive again.

For it IS our inherent nature
To stir within and analyze...
And this,
So innate,
Is the very sense of consciousness
That unlocks
The gateway into
And all of the vast
Mind blowing phenomenon
That I simply like to call now,
The BODY of God.

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