Friday, November 2, 2012

Your Road

I will touch and caress your face,
Before saying goodbye-
Give you the honor
You have long since believed
Was dirtied and unworthy
Of the love you seek.
I see you,
As a tear escapes your eye;
As you turn your back to me,
I understand why.

The road
As I look in the distance
Holds hope
Like an oil painting of some mystery
Captured in the mind's imagination.
Your road,
Away from me...
Your road,
A little more bleak..
Only because it's not what I want to see..
But seems to be the have to
Amongst our affair.

It is like me
To swoop in,
And try to save...
It is like me to capitulate
Evening gaze of soul
Accidentally untold
Until a moment too late.
And now,
I see I have to rescind
What I have given...
Though no, I never will..

But for you,
I see the need,
To turn
And take my road.
To turn and leave you, sorry,
I took anything at all.
That on your road,
Have it all.
-An evening gaze...
Something I give up to you now,
Contain it to this small shell,
And hand it back over to you.
Once upon a time...
You and I...
And that is all it will ever be...
Because I see;
I know and see fate...
When it's signed over
On it's deals...

This one,
Got cut out on..
This one
Ever to remain
In the secret sunder
Of something
Never again.
And never again
To be gained.

Take my shell,
Toss it away.
Keep it.
Hide it.
Light it...
But take my shell,
As I follow this road...
And bid you
Not without first,
Caressing that face,
And taking that last gaze,
Before I turn away.
My Caress for all the things
I will never get to say...

Your road awaits...

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