Friday, November 23, 2012

Trembling Prayer

Lift me up.
Wipe away these tears.
Shed this fear, from my heart.
Let the light shine in on my darkness
And open all windows,
All doors,
To The All of You,
My Great Omnipresent Divine.
The vibration of your Pink energies,
Gold and Whites,
Your Luminescence
In me,
As me,
As I breathe...
As I release...
As I fight against all the resistance to see,
To see still.
To see YOU..
To see you,
"My Lord"...
I can feel my heart shaking. Trembling.
Perhaps even the secrets of it wriggling out,
And I pray.
I just pray, and cry
Grateful & Scared.
"Unworthy" and scared...

"Show me the way,
Show me the light".


Ever afraid to fail. Epic tale.
Some story told
Millions of times before me.

That I can somehow
Lose sight,
Take that fall from Grace...
...from Your Grace, my Beloved God...
My Lord.

I know
Any suggestion
That I have failed you...
Is an illusion...

I also know,
It is not an illusion,
That I have failed myself.

And I am scared of the fall...

So lift me.

Lift me high, up, and out of here!
Take me into the place
Where none of these dark illusions are real...

Because they are very real here...
But I want to see
From the temple within.

Want to see from the Golden Light
Of my inner shine...

I just
Want to know You!
Want to live again,
In your light;
In the illumined sight,
Of everything You know....
Because I know deep within...


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