Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Room of Self

Dear Cave,
Swallow me whole!
Eat me up and absorb me into your dark mystery..
Overturn my soul.
Merge, like windy mists, whisping towards me
Longing to play and grab and pull into my body,
As if my flesh were but an apparition;
As if they are dancing spirit hands healing energies right out of me.
Dear Face,
Meet me half way.
Be the mirror to my soul, the blank reflection forming images
As if through you,
I am scrying.
Reading every taste,
Every choice,
Every reason why...
And knowing,
It is me,
I am seeing
After all.
Take me in. Breathe me. Pull me apart and re-assemble me,
Piece by piece...
In tangible love;
Love that is felt, healed, sealed
In tender,
Let the cave, your face,
Be my initiation
Into my soul.
Into the all of me, finally,
Like walking into a room that has been waiting centuries for your solitude...
A room
That has been awaiting my long arrival;
Waiting for me.
When I close my eyes...
I see this room.
It was never there before...
But today,
When I close my eyes,
There it is.
As if the veil of Avalon has been lifted,
And I can see again,
What was always there.
The veil is the psalm of the quiet white-gray against the light mists of a fading rainy day...
Where there is peace...
In watching the world rain. There is peace in the quiet, the pattering all there is to this moment.
Mother feeding.
Nature in still, silent grace, and receiving!
It is like nothing
I have ever
She patters stronger now, harder now, and I know she's got something to say...
And I,
Like every blade,
Do partake,
In this ritual rights.
I do receive.
Acknowledging in crushing grace,
The frailty
Of a gift like this
Humbly bowing.
Knowing today I receive
Another day
Of life...
Amidst the rain,
Breathing like its Oregon air...
The quiet dance
Of nature & son.
Of daughter & earth!
Of life,
And yes,
Of death.
She is gracious.
Let us be grateful
For how she gifts us...
Of all,
Is our mother...
Of all,
Is really,

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