Friday, November 2, 2012

All, as me

Songs displayed. Mornings lost...
In a good way.

Folding under the tides of blankets
I am kept safe here
Between my God and the rain.

Seeping gently
In the flood
Of channeled waters,
Emotions flowing like outlets,
As a stream trailing the vein of humanity.
My guitar sings my soul
As I reverberate it back-
The talk, a whisper of souls soothing...
An enhancement of strings' harmonies
Setting sunsets in motions
To their very arrival.

The reds ablaze the sky
Carry the torch of Pele's Love, her wrath,
And the death from all days...

But the pink's soothe.
As if carrying the 'winds of change'.

The ocean crashes
In distances away,
But I hear it on my heart,
The melody in my head,
Not far from home at all..

Right here. In and as me. The rains sweeping my soul and dancing me as the flight of the winds
that I long to feel again.

As me.

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