Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Footsteps of God

Where does the time fade into?
Rolling hills, engazed enrichments
Lose me
In time,
Scare me
Into what's losable...
Jolt me awake.
Like an Earth Quake's racy fate,
Any state,
Any mind,
Any time,
Any day gone!
Never a day for certain!
Some meshed basket woven,
And I can't figure out if it would be perfect an image, or rather
Off, odd, lopsided.
Twisted inside...
Like my entrails
Collaborating as an outside force
To twist me closed.
I know it is a sick attack
On me...
By darkness..
But I want to believe this darkness is me
So as to dispel
Any illusion or threat.
But it is all beyond my reach to say for sure...
I just know what I believe.
That too, sometimes
A little foggy...
When you live yourself
Trying to trace
The footsteps of God...

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