Sunday, December 1, 2013

You are not going to like this...

But I'm doing it.
Wrapping your heart up for you in a box,
Ribbon around...
And I'm sending it back out.
Out to seas.

It's been over, well lets just say,
"A while now"...
And you have had so much of me,
For too long.

Just too long.
And today is the day..

It is done.
I don't care what you say.
I don't care!

It is done.
I'm sending it back to you.
And I will work on keeping you out.
Having already forgiven you,
Too much.

I forgive you into love eternal.

But not this way.
And you've done it
ONE last time.
And if I don't start with you,
Who better? Who more useful?
Than to be my show of 3 chances solo.

You've had over a year of chances.
So who better to make my example out of than you?!

I will find a way.
Boxing it all up,
No return address.

Since it is what you wish...
I will
Make you dead
To me.

Saying goodbye now,
So when deathbeds cross,
We'll both know,
I woulda been there...
Probably caring more than anybody.
But that at least I tried to make you alive to me,
When you chose death.

I don't blame you, King.
You're mine to keep.
And I always will...

But I'm sending your heart back to you now.
I only have room for one thing now.

And I am digging you out, after this.
So unknowing of the small thing you did, so titanic.
And so,
Letting me know

All that was needed left...
To send it back.

It will be floating to you,

Goodbye, my love.


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