Friday, December 27, 2013

3AM Air

None of it seems to real, in this 3:16am air, and my gaze strafled a bit. My sight wider than my fight with dad may have portrayed.
Lost abit, in the air,
Between here and there..
Like a dazed gaze indeed.

And here, in between there..
None of it seems to be real.
The words. The reality...
Maybe it's because it's too ugly.
Maybe it's because it's not real...

But there is something real there.
Real in history's past
Real in lessons and reasons that have come to be because of "this person" and "that".
Real in reasons why...
Real reasons why, not fake ones,
Like Soul Contracts vs. Egoic fight...

Notice I capitalize the E, just as even the Angels may very well fear even demons.

We fear ourselves...
Worse? Much more than we fear demons? I think it very well may be possible considering that some tenth of all population probably doesn't even believe in demons.

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