Thursday, December 19, 2013

For once, I'm laughing

I see the foolish now. Man o' man...
Is that foolish now, apparent now,
Readable, and gathered
Like observation
To knowledge dripping. Seeping.

Fuck me!
Man o' man, this world's a silly thing...

And for once in a long while,
Well shit!
It's kinda fucking funny.
I think...
But nevermind that!

And geez, man,
O' man, o' man, O' man!
Maybe it IS a LITTLE funny...
Not, right?
Fuck! Me!
And this stupid stupid man, I would love to break, says smiling..
Reminding herself,
"This is serious! Stop that laughing shit! He said, you need to let him go!?!"
Before you know it,
I'm "wtf-ing" my own humor!
I mean really, ARIEL, WTF?!

But ya know...
It's because it really is
One big
Of a
Goddamn fucking joke...
(Says that laughing out-loud in my dark 1am room, and my type-type)

But it is... Because...shit! The tragedy isn't real! So it's a fuxking comedy!
It's a fuxking joke, right?!?!!!...

And I'm finally starting to get it now...
The hilarious ness of it all!!
Man o man o man...

Because I will go on loving..
And you will go on pretending
You don't care. (I mean "he" ;)

And there just seems something tragically ironic about that,
If indeed, tragedy is a choice!

Oh! "What fools! What fuxking fools!"-
(I imagine some middle aged, earthly cups a' clanking, and a brawny bearded drunken warrior toasting it out!

My God! My God!
What a Crazy Dame, Life IS- No "can be's" about it!

Fuck this!
(Saying that laughing in the face of our damned)! could even say I'm on high!
I'm gonna fuckin turn this bitch out, and make her get on her goddamn knees for me...
Mm..begging for more!
That little fucking whore!
Ravenous, and tail-biting...

God-damn...she is more than I bargained for! Way, way more than I bargained for...
Uh! Like him!
And him.
And her.
And me! Fuck!
Definitely, like me ;P...

Cuz that's what she'll do!
She'll stick that little fuckin tongue out, and tease you,
Thinking she's all cute...

Fuck that broad! Fuck man! I know!
I see em...
Life, THAT little fucking whore,
Mascarading for,
Wearing that little thing,
And doing this little that,
And before you know it, she's holding onto your arm, to keep her up through a swallowed night...

Little fuxking FEIST...
Teaching her daughters how to fuck men and lesbians alike!
And yeah, I'll break a heart, while they go on breaking mine...sharing stance...
My my, sharing stance!

Kinda funny, isn't it?
The irony. The humor... In it all!
Lol! I mean seriously...

Kinda fucking funny.

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