Thursday, December 12, 2013

Morning Communion

Close my eyes.
Absorb it in.

Miss the reality back home,
Afraid to say.

Realizing the sadness born to
Would make missing feel like
Torcher & Death..

And how it has.

My eyes,

I touch the veil, window, porthole of that time,
And I remember now
What I forgot in all the Hell...

That there is
No distance,
And no time...

Not really.
For even if alone these concepts exhausted in our imagination, for alone then it can be.

Our mind...a reality; cosmos and dimensions of TIME as a thing we are just short
And still far from understanding.

I lean my head, against yours, whoever you are..
And I feel the channel, like unity.
Two perfect beings becoming one.

This Angel at my Veil,
I see you, but I don't.
Feeling you so...

And as I
Close my eyes...

It is only us.
And I see all that I need to.

For now:
Only Love..

And Only Us...

I bow my head that you may
Hold me up, and kiss my Crown..
Revitalize a new,
And show me daily, how daily..
What it means to Love You, Angel.

What it means to let love live and to be bestowed upon.

There is a place for everything. We are a world of endless potentials and opportunities... For chaos and order, negative and positive, artistic and logical, intuitive and analytical..


Is my place here,
On my knees so,
Being kissed and directed by Angels..
By The Christ within Me..
By I AM.

Community Garherings
In His Name.. and Hers..
And Ours.

We are each
The Faith
Of that Mustard Seed.

~ . ~

They coddle me, because it hurts knowing what I know. It hurts being an "absorber" in today's world...of emotions, energies, sounds, frequencies, electromagnetic signals, etc. This is why I call on them, and why they are here for me. Ever present. Literally standing by, and awaiting my request! (I forget this all the time of course, even me.)

I was once "read" as having an "army of angels behind me". She was only confirming what I had allowed my self to know for a little while now. Still ever skeptic, I understand "what's real" is much beyond our comprehension, so I go with the notions I get, lending possibility that THEY TOO, may very well be illusions.

Many more of us are sensitive to these things much more that we'd like to confess...especially OTHER PEOPLE'S emotions and energy! Oh especially this!
Why do you suppose relationships can be so hard?! Sibling relationships, friends, authority, parents, lovers.

I have many hard days having neglected often, the importance of this understanding. Lately? I've learned a much different approach to life.
Some practical notions I try to abide by?
1- Live & Let Live
2- Choose Wisely for yourself and your personal goals
3- Trust & Love others as much as possible
4- Be practical in your boundaries and your limitations
5. Stop trying to please everybody around you
6. Learn to say "Yes". Learn to say "No".
7. Surrender to the moment, while attempting to focus on any positive
8. Live each day as if it may be your last.
(This increases "happiness" and gratitude for even the smallest moments).
9. Forgive for yourself
10. Move away and detach from the things that do not serve your highest potential

"Surrendering" to the moment can take many true leaps of faith! But it's really just learning to listen to YOUR OWN intuition as your navigation system, for THERE IS a purpose for you. Understand your purpose, and it's like taking the "BLUE" pill. ;p

I won't lie, ignorance CAN be bliss...
But it's never been for me...
Even with all the sacrifice I endured. :)

So instead...
I commune. I pray.
If this is what brings me closest to some meaning or form, reason to all this madness,
This side of the veil,
Then gladly,
I would spend my last day this way:

With the only thing(s)
That have been with me since birth.
That thing, the least I know of it,
My, I AM...

"Thing(s)"-maybe Saints and Angels to accompany the way.

I am much more contented here

Closed eyed.
Forehead kissed.
Relieved and healed abit...
Or perhaps,
Just Dying.
I can't so much tell...anymore.

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