Monday, December 9, 2013

Immortal Sting

Looking at your name
As I pull it up
From our last conversations,

I feel the heart break.
How you broke it so;
How I must have grown used to


This way.

And I am deep in the dipping knowledge

My love for you
Is how I grew used to

Loving at all.

I just want to rid myself
Of everything I've ever thought it means,
And purge myself clean

Showers like Rains.

I don't like the way it feels around knowing
That is was never meant

But it kills you finally

And yet actually
Never will.

"Hating to love you"
Is actually a good testament to my willed.

But how can someone love something they've never known?
So how can I actually
Love you
At all?

And so, REALLY,
Don't flatter yourself...

That I would "hate" the ruthlessness of vampired action
And in fact,
My only love is for that which you take:

I hate to hate you.
Where power has been turned over
To the servitude of chest moves and positions on a board;
When pawns are forced to make moves based on the previous and the after.
Where unsuited players
Find themselves reluctantly moving
The first pawn- knowing

There's no way out
'Til the game, "she be done"!


You thought you won,
But my blow is a sting of a lifetime-
Dull reminders and god-awfully lonely nights, oh yes, I promise you!


With dull reminders
And lonely nights.

And the challenge of a new game.
But not the promise at all,
That I can ever reimburse you from the fatal magic

Of our
First Game.
Shapeshift her Scorpion,

And Her Fatal Immortal

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