Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Hearder

The things I know,
Contained within me.
The rage seeks to take that away,
But I watch it instead.

I hear the many things they have said,
The honesty paints ugly visions.

I have years of offenses stacked up,
By people who'd profess to love me.
And some are blatant, and you know what you get...
And others are conniving, based on how they think alone, and who they are willing to be,
Though not share,
Out of that.

Amongst wolves, I see my wolves.
Amongst their disguise,
I had turned my back to an infiltrated pasture.

Do not love me in fear, and call it love!
Then call me mad to boot, no.

Do not see me. Maybe you can't.
Maybe you are not supposed to.
Maybe I just want peace,
But it is a silly dream on Earth.

I will not be wronged for standing up for myself against people who care not to listen.

"Friend". "Family".
How I have lost you in my heart...
For it is true...
You see me not.

And in my world...
That may be true to a foulest offense.

You see me not.
And I will not, like Jesus, rest my feet to a home that casts my gifts out.
I will move on to the next,
And spread my light.

I will not be made wrong in feeling angry or hurt.
I will not back down from these offenses this day...

But I will indeed,
Step foot in front of another,
And run, run free.
Walking my path, fruitful,
Though when YOU look, you may only see a barren tree.

What I have contained within, seems, so seems, as pearls before wolves.

Do I love thee? I do...
But I can not help to suddenly see and know, how likely it Is that I can trust you.

Thoughts are vicious. And if not in check, they will blacken soul, words, and deeds.

I know this. I see this. And I'm starting to think, though you fight me, you might in your heart know I am right.

Have eyes to see.
YOU call me names, and seek to judge and label, but I will not back down in the face of untruthful scrutiny...

And it has only shown me,
How much you don't see...
And don't see me.

Which is an offense.

An offense actually,
To the world.

On to another step forward,
And ever fighting for what I believe.

I know what they will say.
They will lie and kick and scream at me not to see MY TRUTH...

But how is that love?
Oh, how I can tell u it absolutely is not.

Not for themselves, for me, for their families, nor the world, nor our Christ.

It is is ego...
And I accept that both things have always battled with, in, and around me...

But what do we have,
Takes that stand?

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