Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Body of God

Sands of time unwind
In the now,
Each grain, a present-
A presence.
A soul.
A light.
A stand.
This is God,
The each.
The you,
And the me.
The them and the rest...
Matter, life
In any
Of its forms.
In the stars, the ethers,
The invisible.

Like Love.

Yet everything
The trace of perfection behind,

And recorded.
And laid away somewhere
In this concept they call
The Mind of God
Laid away somewhere in Akashia..
Laid away enough for us to hold
Massive collective
And personal 100% recall,
(Merely untapped)...
Let's call it:
The Quantum Impression
-the matter that resonates in an individual's or group's quantum field, aka, Aura.
And so it lay,
Leaving pathway to trace
Into the no-time;
That which
We call "Past".

But there is no "time" really
In the mind of God,
Because time only ever truly exists
(Or can exist)
The Now.
And the NOW.
And the now.
And the NOW.
Get the point?
Time being only:
A collection of every "now" that existed.
So it is a concept. and therefore a thing, but not matter,
As WE know it.

I am here.
holding hands with what they call "the angels"...
So I call them that too..
It works.

It's all the same.
Holding hands with them is holding hands with you
Is holding hands with the Divine.
With the Holiness.
With the Grace.
With God...

And here,
I climb the tree of Life,
"I say so"...
And I reach the top and peek the valleys green and vast beyond
I hold present, and hold conscious view of heaven
Without even an eye closed.

And if that is not God...
Not God in it's vast miracle
Ever present, all the time...
Ever HOLDING space for us,
Memory, imprint-
Word of wisdom, or book-
Judge of new morale, or nature...
And how as such the iChing came to be,
As but nature ever observed
Through the present moment;
Through the now.
Through the "No-Time".

Who are we being
When we keep secrets?
When we mistake & fall?
When we don't know how to get out of something?
Who are we, but God,
In our present...? Ever learning,
Ever growing, ever choosing
If we will at least honor
THAT MUCH of the truth?!

God is here.
I know this because I see this;
Experience the miracle of myself
As some vast creativity machine,
Ever coming up from within,
Remembered, traced,
Quantum impressions,
Re-shaping into the new
As Now.
And re-shaping into the NOW,
As new.
So it is not that we never come up with something Original...
It just may be that what we trace often is not OUR original.
I watch myself do original everyday
In the way
I paint and portray,
In the way I write, dipped only in the essence of my pen,
My ink-
MY specific soul trace of God.
God & I
Create mylife
As me.....
I think
Is pretty Original.
Just as I think, and so is Love.
And how there will never be
Another "time" (Now)
Where you will hold THIS FORM of God
And I will hold "THIS" form
And we will Love in THAT form-
The bond between the two of us
As a one-time-only
Limited edition

That bond,
We all love,
Because it is.

Are the one-time-limited edition
Of the Presence (of God)

Our Life-
Who we'll be,
How we will be
And why we will be.

And without the Now
We can never be.
Without the presence, the sitting still,
Without the inner look, or the watchful observer,
We will never remember
That no matter who we are choosing to be..
GOD doesn't abandon us
But we abandon God-
Every time we forget
That WE are the ever powerful creators..
We leave
The now
By taking a dip in the illusion,
The Maya, the Dream...
And this dream states, that we are innately separate from of creator.
But inherently, our soul
Is pulled to oneness
From WITHIN of all places...,
So I ask any,
That we are separate at all from the channel of the divine,
If we ALL,
Carry the CALL
From Within?!

The only answer,
Is that we impede our ability
To receive eating the call at all...

But it has been my experience,
That once you break through,

Or until the call
Becomes a Siren,
And WHEN you do,

It is a number,
You will forever be able to dial again.
And receive again.

For it IS our inherent nature
To stir within and analyze...
And this,
So innate,
Is the very sense of consciousness
That unlocks
The gateway into
And all of the vast
Mind blowing phenomenon
That I simply like to call now,
The BODY of God.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


"Craving for meat, stretched out before an orphan miraculously found herself, at a welcomed table of food. Looking. Waiting. Eyes across the table...waiting to be told...there's been some mistake. I know it's not real, but it's here...and I can almost taste it...scared however when I reach, it will be made apparent, that my presence here, is nothing short of their cruel joke."

God Leaves Us Crumbs

Not so excited anymore.
No, not between the war.

Tired. Bare-boned.
The grace of letting go!
I could make it smooth, but,
Not knowing how
In my uncontrolled UNwant to.
None of it makes sense
Because life isn't meant
To be so predictable...
And that is why instead,
It just leaves you a trail of crumbs.
Am finally starting to pick up on this.
And where my crumbs don't lead me today, they may lead me tomorrow...
But where they lead me today
Is, yes,
Where I need to stay...
That is...
Until the day changes.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Train

I love you.
Thank you for forming a friendship w me;
For being
And kind...
With no agenda but the obvious and intended.
Thank you for making your intentions known,
And for telling me you miss me.
For talking to me everyday,
And not being afraid,
Even though,
There seems so much to fear.
Thank you
For swooping me up,
And being my knight,
Amongst thieves; wolves.
Thank you for holding me tight, giving me a chest to breathe on, a love to run to,
Before I even knew where I was headed.
Thank you for seeing me.
For laughing in the midst
Of Us,
You & I
And everything that comes out,
Day by day,
Ever keeping my intrigue.
Each day,
I have been afraid,
You will slip away, that I will hurt you...
But each moment we meet again,
I love you more,
Finding myself saying it in my head,
And I know it's crazy,
But I know you are saying it too;

Even crazier.
I have unsettled business, and skeletons,
And I am just trying to part them enough that nothing I do- no foolish mistake,
Will break us, before there is even a "We".
My cauldron is boiling,
And boiling over,
For another...

And I
Just don't know how to temper these "demons"
Because I am not sure that is what they are.

Each day,
Is what it is, calling forth
A new faith.
Calling forth,
That which will emerge...
And there seems to be a smart choice in all this...
But I am not always such a smart girl...
And I am torn..
My two worlds,
Worlds away.

I do not want to say goodbye with any piece or being of my soul...for I have tasted him...and he, at his moments,
Moves the earth in me and trembles my core...
...but in You...
No one deserves it more...

So thank you...
Not for being second, but for so badly wanting to come in first.
For running the race, knowing I might not feel the same,
And for being so steady and steadfast,
That you are turning,
Even the gaze of this beguiling fawn away...


Beguiling fawn likes her worlds away...
And so day
By day,
I make my play,
And I know I need to watch carefully..

Watch myself.
Because yes,
I love you,
While I am still busy,

Tight Walk

To sound out the tunes in my mind...
Playing it small, playin for keeps,
Stead of just sitting,
Watching, being,
The taint in me,
The roar in me,
Ever loud,
And I see myself spittin,
To the crowd,
Watchin em
Grow loud,
As I stand,
And take a stand, podium or a mound,
Soul grows so loud,
All I need now,
Is a my little soapbox,
And a crowd,
Of millions...
Will she ever be?
Ever be everything..

She's wanted to be...
Unleashed force of lethal idolatry...

Cuz, ya, that's right,
I have
My God.
My God & Me,
And nothing seems to sound,
Like my soul
Against a new cloud,
The background of some melodious beat,
Some new tale, and new whisping motions in me,
When I hear
The melody...
When I hear
It move oceans in me,
And they expect me to speak,
Be a big girl now,
To a crowd
Ever frightened, ever afraid to be-
All of us growing up now,
Balancing the tight walk
Of in between,
The right walk of fate and destiny,
The tight walk,
Of everything
Ever gathered,
In you, in me,
In our lives,
Our mother's, and all the tears and reasons why,
They hold all our cries...
Our lovers, and how they substitute
For the lack in our lives...
And spitting
Is believing in God,
Believing in the beauty
That outlasts
All the lies,
Owning pieces
Of each of our souls!
Is believing,
The raw form of God
Through art,
Nothing beautiful,
Just created. Just being!
Raw, in it's story telling and story told,
In it's excursions and dreams,
Raw in its presence and denounced "have" to be's!
You see, cuz when I spit,
The earth shatters through me,
Raining down all judgements now,
Proving now,
No good,
No bad,
Just who
And what
we are...
And if
We could just for once take an honest look at our souls,
We would understand the trite,
And lessen the fright...
We would lay down the tears, and worries,
And know that that which we WANT,
Will come to pass.
We would be free to love, and to be loved,
And we would learn how to let go gracefully,
As a responsibility we carry,
To the freedom of others;
Every soul,
Our responsibility,
Our responsibility not...
The honesty will feed
Our compass,
And the truth will hold our grace,
One man tells me he loves me,
And I dream of another man's face.
And I see, the tight rope,
But I can't tell if I'm still walking it,
Or if this had been all but a dream.
Ever feeling like I've fallen,
Yet ever knowing love,
Ever losing and regaining love of self,
Like a game of roulette
They pull at my wounds
Dancing in psalms,
And I weep, letting them,
And stroke the hand of a fate I paint dark, black,
But I know,
Deep down, beneath,
I am
Only light,
And I see the light in souls
Mirrored back to me
Like a kerosine Lantern,
Flame encased.
Never escaped.
No matter how dark
It gets
In there.
It gets dark
In here,
And as I juggle fate
And walk this tight rope of dark and heavy to my left
Light and Fairy, to my right,
I hold in my heart the burden,
As if my plight
Is humanity's.
As if for what they renounce,
I carry...
I know this now.
See this now...
About me.
About this tiny frame
Of a gargantuan Angel...
And it is a lot
I contain
Driving. Dry Heaving.
Just breathing.
And walking

This tight-rope of fate. . .

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Winter Rune

Hands raised before me,
I reach them to the sun,
And scratch the sky-

Imagining paint trail
Where my claws are laid,

The tips of my fingers,
The strokes of fate.

My fingers drip.
Drip and long..

And I'm trying to taste this,
Trying to put my finger on it,
Trying to understand
What the wind is telling me...

But it is slow...,
The revealing in the Season of Snow,
Is always long,
Always internal,
Calling us back home...
And I,
Caught between two worlds.

And Having.

And Seeing

& None.

I am the Watcher.
And the Havoc Reeker...

The Master
And his enemy...

Watching Ego,

And ever
Getting caught in between.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Jazz Cloud

Like my life,
My genius rambles on bumbling keys
Playing that jazz melody,
In chaos, I've said I despise...
You know,
That one melody that's different every time,
Because it is the chaos; the sound that just plays through
That one time...
The jazz that is noise?!

But I feel it-
The drift through it,
Playing the trillions of tempos that mimic heartbeats
In all their moments.

I feel the chaos chasing
And racing against time-
As if, if it doesn't go fast enough,
It will catch up...
It will run out...

Don't know what
I am doing
Each day...
But letting it
Ramble on by...
The chaos of my mind engorging any Discipline
That was once wired there.
Everything's a blur...
A cloud around my head,
Like heading away from a bomb.
Just stumbling through rubble
Trying to find any-one,
That I can understand,
Beyond this explosion.

Trembling Prayer

Lift me up.
Wipe away these tears.
Shed this fear, from my heart.
Let the light shine in on my darkness
And open all windows,
All doors,
To The All of You,
My Great Omnipresent Divine.
The vibration of your Pink energies,
Gold and Whites,
Your Luminescence
In me,
As me,
As I breathe...
As I release...
As I fight against all the resistance to see,
To see still.
To see YOU..
To see you,
"My Lord"...
I can feel my heart shaking. Trembling.
Perhaps even the secrets of it wriggling out,
And I pray.
I just pray, and cry
Grateful & Scared.
"Unworthy" and scared...

"Show me the way,
Show me the light".


Ever afraid to fail. Epic tale.
Some story told
Millions of times before me.

That I can somehow
Lose sight,
Take that fall from Grace...
...from Your Grace, my Beloved God...
My Lord.

I know
Any suggestion
That I have failed you...
Is an illusion...

I also know,
It is not an illusion,
That I have failed myself.

And I am scared of the fall...

So lift me.

Lift me high, up, and out of here!
Take me into the place
Where none of these dark illusions are real...

Because they are very real here...
But I want to see
From the temple within.

Want to see from the Golden Light
Of my inner shine...

I just
Want to know You!
Want to live again,
In your light;
In the illumined sight,
Of everything You know....
Because I know deep within...


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Way of Faces

Love goes out,
Let it shine.
Let it shine as my branches stretch
In directions of all Divine.
I take it in, in breath
Holding it
For sunset,
My trunk waiting
Before letting it all out
To rest.
There is you
In me
Every face
Where I stand
Loving me now.
As I love thee.
No separation...
On this hill, during this brazen day...
No separation between illusions
Of miles away...
No separation in labels...labels...always
In labels....
I stand,
The Sun with us,
As I reach out
To love you,
Where you stay...
Loving all,
Just between
Of God,
And of the God-Stream of Love
That flows as
OUR River...
You & I....
He wants to chain me...
I want to Love Free...
Free to be loved...
And so this caged bird
The illusion of a cage
At all.
For I am Free...
But whom ever I choose
"Must also..
Choose me"...

The Sun sets,
And through my branches we see now
The brazen orange and reds
Of the fire, the passion, and the tangibility of Sex
As the Goddess call of energies
And this is why
The Oh-So-Mighty-Goddess
Does indeed need
The Mighty Father
To balance...
The Wisdom
The Tempered Understanding
The Patient Time...

I lay my Goddess down for a day,
And relieve the girl holding her
Hosting her,
To lay back...
Take in...
The illusion....
That anything she need or want
Is anything but right where she stay.

You see,
Just trying to temper my own hurricane,
My own storms that rattle the bars of a cage I'd thought to always be there...

The cage: merely my desires...
That which I am attached to...
That which I want...

My Father says: "stop wanting"...and I know as his Daughter of Spirit,
Is right...
But I do not know how to tame storms this night,
And so
I am set out, on a new mission.

To be a Goddess
Under my Father.

To be the Balance
Between worlds...

To tame in me,
What has never been tamed before...

To learn
The Way...

And to watch
Who'll stay

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Room of Self

Dear Cave,
Swallow me whole!
Eat me up and absorb me into your dark mystery..
Overturn my soul.
Merge, like windy mists, whisping towards me
Longing to play and grab and pull into my body,
As if my flesh were but an apparition;
As if they are dancing spirit hands healing energies right out of me.
Dear Face,
Meet me half way.
Be the mirror to my soul, the blank reflection forming images
As if through you,
I am scrying.
Reading every taste,
Every choice,
Every reason why...
And knowing,
It is me,
I am seeing
After all.
Take me in. Breathe me. Pull me apart and re-assemble me,
Piece by piece...
In tangible love;
Love that is felt, healed, sealed
In tender,
Let the cave, your face,
Be my initiation
Into my soul.
Into the all of me, finally,
Like walking into a room that has been waiting centuries for your solitude...
A room
That has been awaiting my long arrival;
Waiting for me.
When I close my eyes...
I see this room.
It was never there before...
But today,
When I close my eyes,
There it is.
As if the veil of Avalon has been lifted,
And I can see again,
What was always there.
The veil is the psalm of the quiet white-gray against the light mists of a fading rainy day...
Where there is peace...
In watching the world rain. There is peace in the quiet, the pattering all there is to this moment.
Mother feeding.
Nature in still, silent grace, and receiving!
It is like nothing
I have ever
She patters stronger now, harder now, and I know she's got something to say...
And I,
Like every blade,
Do partake,
In this ritual rights.
I do receive.
Acknowledging in crushing grace,
The frailty
Of a gift like this
Humbly bowing.
Knowing today I receive
Another day
Of life...
Amidst the rain,
Breathing like its Oregon air...
The quiet dance
Of nature & son.
Of daughter & earth!
Of life,
And yes,
Of death.
She is gracious.
Let us be grateful
For how she gifts us...
Of all,
Is our mother...
Of all,
Is really,

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Out of a toxic soil
Out of a hard adobe dirt...
I feel the strain to grow,
Like life, wind, pressure, pushing against my delicate core.

I am stretching!
Reaching for the heavens,
In ways unbelieved
Each day,
A different shine,
A different shade,
A different breeze of windy spirits
In their marches and aisles
And drumbeats.

I am this tiny, frail emerging
Protected somehow
Against harsh rains,
Protected amongst
Everyday threats, changes...
Reaching high

I've got a long way to grow,
But the truth is,
It only takes
A Season.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dying Star

There are crumbs in my bed;
I want a simple life..

She is in a box..meant to be buried
Still on my altar

And I know what it's like to contain the storms of hurricanes
And to shield it within a tiny human frame
That more moments than not,
My body feels to implode...


To forget to see...

What my savior revealed to me tonight.
How I am force;


Neither good nor bad,
The matter-

What is it that I am trying to contain?

I am full.
Ready to burst..

Like a dying Star.

Contained within my quantum field
As matter...
Neither good,
Neither bad...

I've had it in me my whole life,
This war of demons and angels...

But I don't want to see the seperation anymore.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Casting Runes

Today, as many days Not quite what I'm used to when I'm in my flow.
Thing of it is, I feel the need to just let it out! All the truth! Said my way! No-one else to have a say over MY WORD! Not an opinion, or judgement! Not any piece of advice or direction to go in!
Encountered lately: so many opinions of what I should and shouldn't do! For God's sake, would u people just listen for once!?!
Truth: I miss him. Can't stop thinking about him! And I know it is nothing short of foolish!
Realization: I fucking loved her! I mean truly, I gave her the best of everything I had to give! And the DAMNED truth is that at the end of that 2 & a half year DAY, I have (barely) ever felt so worn, tattered and betrayed! And worse, I see how much guilt and blame comes up against my own self at allowing me to be loved that way!
Truth: my stepmother really did tell me I was alone when I was verging suicidal.
Truth: my dad really hasn't been there for me mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually the way he portrays. And I've been afraid to get mad at him, because he is my only sane parent! But looking, seeing, my mother is still here for me in ways he just is not, and has never cared to be...which honestly, talk about a surprising revelation!
True: I am livid right now! Livid at the abuse, at the use, at the non-chalance.
Not believing I could love somebody mind, body, soul, only for them to drink me up dry, steal away my life-force and leave me as good as dead, but not before kicking me one more time! Or two, or three...
Truth: this is what loving kyra did to me!
I could have sworn my heart had been ripped right out in the midst of panic attacks she provoked! And I was ready to die amongst her cruelty , and twisted mind that fucked mine solely, just up!
Kyra tought me that a good dog deserves any abuse rendered. Unprovoked- unwarranted!
And now the b!tch acts like I am psycho cuz I'm finally mad about it???
At least I can snap out of my mind least I can be honest even over the ugliest things:
Truth: I have been a victim! Was raised a victim! So what?! I'm growing out of it, so bite me! And yes, when you use that word, it enrages me! Because no being deserves to have their dirtiest laundry shoved in their face!
Truth: I'm fucking sad!
I truly don't understand the faul heart of humanity in matters of love especially. I truly can not comprehend how SHE could be so cruel against every patient moment I took her verbal abuse, or passive punishment, or controlling hands on me so I could not move or walk away, but rather, she'd force me to take it! Until I clawed my way out that is--learning to fight and hit back.
Truth: I am disheartened. I just wanna be a girl to love. After everything, you'd think that wasn't the most I could ask...but I know some of us are dealt our Hand of fate, and up until now, being loved as I love, NOT YET in my cards; not now. Perhaps soon.
Truth: I hate her! I'm pretty mad at my mom! Pretty livid with my dad! Pretty pissed in general! I felt like a boy today, so rare, in the need for blood and beating! I judged myself for feeling this way, but goddamn, do I know the b!tch deserves it!
Truth: I made a mistake I think! and now I don't really know, cuz he's pulled away..
Truth: I realized today, I have spent my entire life, being a martyr. In career! In love! In relationships! In my victimization, low self worth, and humanitarian passion... All however, sacrificing me: my own peace, my own happiness, my own salvation...and the scary part...I'm afraid I can't stop it, but holding faith.
Truth: I think I actually like him.
Truth: you can't rely on anybody but yourself!
Truth: Everybody will let you down, if you let them.
Key: Expect they will, and they just might surprise you!
Judgement: I am a stupid, foolish girl, deserving of all the struggle and bad shit no matter how purely I give and steady love!
Truth: I hate myself now, probably as a reflection and mirror of how much I hate them!
But you know...I am actually at peace...processing...for now.
Soon I will have to RE-PROGRAM this shit, so I don't get stuck and caught in it, any longer than I have been!
Agenda: I need to clear all my martyrdom pictures!
My say: "fuck you for pretending to be things you are not"
That's for everybody I hate right now!
That's for the world, and it's indiscipline! For the pain, and its inexcusable claim to linger, sustain, carry...I am still genuinely so surprised, so much pain, exists in the world today: pain of self, pain of circumstance, pain as the many and crazy forms of love, loss, grief, abuse, solitude, unworthiness, detriment, punishment...I mean literally, this is the second time I've spoken with her in the last month + and both times, I am like a fried hair ball! Seriously stunned, as if stoned and gone far away...a deer in the headlights...just, shock...and awe, and then there's the thought! The non-understanding, of how much pain, how many fucked up things we occur and do to eachother... There's also just the literal stunned shock, that any of these crazy mean people, are real? Like really?! I really don't even know how to digest that it's real? That love, and the promise of marriage, has twice turned into abuse for me. That these people that could be so one faced and perfect, had a whole other side, like hiding a murderer in their attic.
Truth: now...I'm just taking it and making it a day at a time.
Good news: I am finally feeling fine about my rage, my vulnerability, who I am being even if misunderstood. I am finally re-defining and coming to terms with this crazy ending, this new beginning, and me stuck, still navigating between!
Bad news: I'm weak. enraged. Full of hate and livid, which is not where I want to be..not really...
I am happy on my Sunday afternoon
Happy in my peace with no one asking me to be somebody else...
Because the truth: is I REALLY do love me! I really do! And I am so goddamn proud of myself considering.
And I have been loved, and only after asked, demanded, and commanded to change...
But I like me, as I am...
And knowing others do the point of life altering gratitude, I don't understand, why I have settled being loved by somebody with not the sight to see The Light...
In me, in life...
To really see it the way it is.
Truth: I just want to be a girl to be loved!
Truth: I am not afraid! I know I will get this someday- along with many of my other dreams and visions coming true!
Truth: I just have to keep going strong.
Truth: I have to let her actions and ugly words, just go...but I don't know if I'm quite there yet...but I need to be. So I guess I will be soon!
Truth: I get so tired of holding all this in...and I just need an audience...and I just need an outlet...and for the RIGHT love, I am, definitely willing to wait.../ play :)...
And so it is...everything I wanted to say, and finally, just fucking did!
(Truth:) "everything" for NOW anyways l

Monday, November 5, 2012


Tears & years escape her face
She silently hides away
Wipes the use
From its place.

She puts on a strong facade
To embargo Honor
Amongst thieves,
Too many moments
Eyes open in her sleep...
Ready anytime
For the knife...
Ready anytime,
For her use to have exceeded
It's stay...

Playing a game for honor
Only to conclude
None stay where she lay.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Goddess DrumBeat

I wanna walk wildly in the terrain
Bare, naked
Feet free
To run
Into the unknown,
And breathe it, feel it,
Dance it.

Put the reigns in my grasp,
And let me slap them
That this world delivers
At my feet.

There is no reason,
An animal such as I,
Should ever be beat...

So let me beat instead for the all of humanity
As one foot pounds
And the ground trembles-
As the other foot sounds
And hearts begin to shake and
Beat, beat, beat
To the drum
Of Goddess Feet!

The Earth trembles beneath me;
A collaboration
Between worlds...
And she steals me, sets me free
In her vital energy
As I run
And pick up pace!

The face
Of her
Carries in me...
Like Goddess drumbeat
And everything, everywoman
Has never managed to shake off:
Her Own
Ever present, ever thine-
A niche that never a war
Has been won over...
A suppressed beast,
That has indeed only grown more ravenous with time!
She whisps in me
Like catching winds
Ever to carry my spirit free
From this plane.

Speaks to me in gentle hymns
As guitars sing the lullaby's
Of my pain,
She grazes my skin sincerely
Giving me strength again,
And now I Rize, Rize, Rize
From the fire in between
Fanning the smoke of ash and flame
And ushering in
A New Tribal Sound!
Tribal Seed.
Ushering in
A new sound.
A new race!
Goddess Breed!
Tribal Seed.
Goddess feet!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Your Road

I will touch and caress your face,
Before saying goodbye-
Give you the honor
You have long since believed
Was dirtied and unworthy
Of the love you seek.
I see you,
As a tear escapes your eye;
As you turn your back to me,
I understand why.

The road
As I look in the distance
Holds hope
Like an oil painting of some mystery
Captured in the mind's imagination.
Your road,
Away from me...
Your road,
A little more bleak..
Only because it's not what I want to see..
But seems to be the have to
Amongst our affair.

It is like me
To swoop in,
And try to save...
It is like me to capitulate
Evening gaze of soul
Accidentally untold
Until a moment too late.
And now,
I see I have to rescind
What I have given...
Though no, I never will..

But for you,
I see the need,
To turn
And take my road.
To turn and leave you, sorry,
I took anything at all.
That on your road,
Have it all.
-An evening gaze...
Something I give up to you now,
Contain it to this small shell,
And hand it back over to you.
Once upon a time...
You and I...
And that is all it will ever be...
Because I see;
I know and see fate...
When it's signed over
On it's deals...

This one,
Got cut out on..
This one
Ever to remain
In the secret sunder
Of something
Never again.
And never again
To be gained.

Take my shell,
Toss it away.
Keep it.
Hide it.
Light it...
But take my shell,
As I follow this road...
And bid you
Not without first,
Caressing that face,
And taking that last gaze,
Before I turn away.
My Caress for all the things
I will never get to say...

Your road awaits...

Underneath It All

Cigarette smoke
Consumes the house
Of my soul...
Things long lost,
In the choices we bare.
And I'm beginning to see
I just need many nights
Of fresh air.

All, as me

Songs displayed. Mornings lost...
In a good way.

Folding under the tides of blankets
I am kept safe here
Between my God and the rain.

Seeping gently
In the flood
Of channeled waters,
Emotions flowing like outlets,
As a stream trailing the vein of humanity.
My guitar sings my soul
As I reverberate it back-
The talk, a whisper of souls soothing...
An enhancement of strings' harmonies
Setting sunsets in motions
To their very arrival.

The reds ablaze the sky
Carry the torch of Pele's Love, her wrath,
And the death from all days...

But the pink's soothe.
As if carrying the 'winds of change'.

The ocean crashes
In distances away,
But I hear it on my heart,
The melody in my head,
Not far from home at all..

Right here. In and as me. The rains sweeping my soul and dancing me as the flight of the winds
that I long to feel again.

As me.