Friday, September 14, 2012

The NEW Knowledge

I am tired
Processing The Divine
It stretching through and grabbing onto my veins
Like riding the reigns of gripping blood;
All life force energy-
Detox, resting, rejuvenation exhausting
Like an entire back library
That must be read for one's work's progress...
Tired, and surrendering
To inspiration come and gone,
All still right in psalm,
As I am The One,
And never again to fear
That IT
is not graspable...
Allowing me,
To finally relax,
After 27 years here on Earth...
And soon to breech
After all this time...
That it might take
For me to finally get the message...
Me alone
IS enough:
Bare, uncredentialed...untame, raw
In my fight..
In my praise,
In my stand,
For Love...
And now, my purpose in reminding the rest
It is the things outside of you that don't measure up!
The schooling, the money, the career, the kids...
The marriage, the lover, the dreams, and skin...
All these things, no measure to the within...
For in your your essence,
You are The Light, The Way...
The One and ALL...
And nothing you say,
Nor nothing you will ever do,
Could ever take that away
For that is the inherent gift of your creation...
In all your being, and in everything you choose...
Just please doth beg, the message to all,
Never let those choosings define you,
For You, oh Inherent God of the Divine
Never need a single source
Outside of self
Another day...
Your Beingness is enough for a life worth told,
If and but only,
You could hone in on the Source of your own unique and refreshing way...
To turn within
To find the silence in the "around"...
To stop and take many, many, moments abound,
And find yourself finally floating down
The wellspring of your own sound;
Your own
Inner Peace...
It is there you will meet
Yourself finally...
As with and well,
The face of God.
Rejuvenation, Sound.
Revelation, Bright!
Peace, the ever calm,
And Your Soul, the Immortal Light.

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