Thursday, September 6, 2012

Angel's Last Spent

Rescind to me, O' black poison;
Death that betray my ancestors
And how it rides on the back's of stubborn toil,
I lie here, in bed,
Awaiting my own death, like so many before me.
Black poison, like bruised and spoiled purple,
Deep and dark,
Like the pity in my soul;
I gaze into blues blacked
As I am swallowed whole
And stretch in outreach,
To a world I can not hold.
My legions, stand now,
No more but to put down our sword;
I can not bare the fight anymore,
Oh Angels, my Angels' dear!
Hold me now, more than ever,
Hold me now as we bow;
In love, I put down my shield and arrow
As together we take, this final bow
This last
& final
Goodnight, this earthly dominion!
Goodnight and a Holy good day.
It is a day at last, a final one come
And a final walk I take!
Goodnight to my last
And everything whole,
And everything that ever will be;
I lay it down, to ascend to the High
Where I know my crown awaits me.
And no more blood, and no more deep, and nothing left dark to see,
For I have seen it here, and seen it all,
And it an image, I am no longer fain to see...
'Tis now!
'Tis only now!
'Tis only one time left!
And if ever a moment, I take it now!
And bow
The last moment spent!
Adieu, au revoir, goodnight on this last night spent,
I leave the Earth, a hellish domain,
And gain,
My Angel's delight
Of flight...
The fanciest of fares
On a ride back home...

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