Friday, September 21, 2012

Witches Brew; A Fairy's Play

The Fairies enchant
As they dance
On the sprillowing, bumping leaves
Against an approaching Autumn breeze
With the dance of the summer fading out;
It is a tinge of a feel,
A subtlty to the fading breath,
As Summer's death
Hinges around it's corner!
This is the first in many approaching Halloweens
That I actually feel the Kings & Queens alive again,
The rattle and the shake
Like witchery sake
And the breeze much more familiar to
A Mystic Fate, teasing and seizing
Life by the Roots, reminding us how delicately the storm
Can turn on our Youth...
Tonight, She dances and plays,
But brings a slight mischievy in the dabbling with Fate
And in any moment again
The goddess of wind
Way rise up or drawl back,
Determining Our fate,
More than we can ever know!
And no, this night, I am Good, for now,
As I sit and watch the dance,
The breeze, twist, twist our fate...,
Calm now,
Fay settled down...
But soon again they will whisp away,
And we will never know,
The fate the role may play...
The fairies are happy,
When the wind blows..

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