Monday, September 10, 2012

11:48 Prayer {following the signs}

Can I tell you thank you?
May I?
For how sweet it is to happen against
Sign after sign
And feel in my heart
The knowingness all will be fine!
How sweet grace is, in sweeping moments
Like nights of wine,
And girl talk and time
Of rest, where we unwind;
You know in my heart,
These pearls of mine...
These dreams and visions
To a small girl upon her sleep...
You have always known,
The best, the "only solely ONE"
Of me!
How can I deny you? My father, my Mother, my beloved Yahweh?!
How can I question so much in so little faith?
How do I attend to thee, The Lord that is Me,
The almighty of You,
My beloved God, my beloved Source,
And all that you have given to me..
How may I return to You, to deliver as You
How do I commit these forces in me?!
Yet, Jah, how I think I I think I am finally coming TO BE...
These forces, You, so pure...
A condition not IN WAIT to be
But rather a condition OF me...
Simply ready to emerge,
Simply already.
This is my thanks, Dear Night...
This is my bow and blessing with The Light...
This is my Namaste as "Sacrifice"
Rather my Own blessing
From the Gods!
I return back in 3 fold, what today you have given me...
For I know it is only in genuine gifting,
That I know I AM able to receive!
My words,
Like pellets of honey drops
Vibrate back into source
This Ode to Heaven
This creed of Thankfulness,
These tears, that years and years,
You can, My Lord, My Savior
Finally restore insight;
Finally set so many wounded free
And to think...
All it ever really took,
Was listening to the still small voice inside me;
But infactually, The Queen!
And NOW, my God,
I too, return to Thee...
As I AM no longer so humble
As to De-confess
My title as Your Queen;
My title as Forever apart of Thee & only Thee...
Your Heir!
Your Honor;
Your Manifest in BEING...
And I start to see a great deal more
What it means to return to Thee...
So for Your honor,
God Mother Gaia,
Sun of All that Be,
I confess you now
And every NOW to come,
That I will live it in honor
Namaste, My Flame.
Namaste, for My Life
& Always...
So gracious is the ever gifting
You BE.
And NOW, a cheers,
To You & Me!

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