Friday, September 7, 2012


I observe
That I am beginning to return to self...
And in that,
I die.
I must die.
I am seeing the world stripped bare;
Wrinkles and lines,
Beauty with Imperfections
Worn away with the age and wisdom's of both man and God,
And the role of sustaining the balance.
The war is in man's mind...and how that blood and taint drip down to his heart
Wiping out the God good that once lay there.
Who am I,
If not I am seen?
And more importantly,
Who will I choose to be?!
I lay down,
Everything important to me...
I lay it down, so I can finally see...
See what it is, you want me to see...
Soul Watcher,
Death holder, Life giver...
How I let you ruin me...
Take what has mattered...
Because I have served thee...
I serve thee, as I always have and will forever
Into eternity..
I observe...but let me surrender
And help me to see...
For I can not fully observe,
When I am lost here...lost in waiting,
But where is the Empathy?

Why God, hath you given me a heart so,
And will it soon be my time to go,
Or will you relieve me of this desinence?
I am open...though ya, maybe I don't so much want to be anymore...
But I am.
I am open...
As I sit, pacify this Time, and observe
Whatever good will it is
I contracted myself to.
It is no wonder
So many souls,
Go back.
Goodnight, my God.
Until again,
Yet another day.

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