Thursday, September 20, 2012

The "Yes" from Beyond

The Lioness
Beats a heart
Like drums!
The sound of Initiation summons
Interdementionals from afar and near
To all sit here
And bear witness
To the Presence.
A true Celebration!
The summoning of God from within,
We dance and beat,
Dance and beat
Dance and beat 'Til Dawn...
The initiation summons in me
A "yes" from something deep beyond
Where I find my foothold
In imagination, in tuning in..
In letting go, in moving on...
In facing the dancing shadows
On the cave wall of my existence.
No more will a tale told
Ever take me from my home,
Ever shadow again
The vengeance of my Light...
Ever govern twice
The knowing I now hold...
Never again will a tale told
Tare me away from the God of Soul
So old, and fresh
So all known and wise
So absolutely the
epididymis of everything close and near to me....
The epididymis of Light...
I can not act as if I have not danced this grace tonight...
Nor shall I ever again
Deny this gift of insight:
That truly,
My God
Is within.
Summon able, channel able upon any recognition,
Available upon any turn within...
I AM the tuning in;
I am the summoned with-out
I am the presence ever before me
I am Life as Purpose abound...
The shadows slink like melting paint. As Light rises, the shadows do fade,
And I am walking again
Where never I was before...
Awake where only I'd been asleep..
Is the Initiation
In me..
For everyday the gift of God awaits
Like light ready to cast out shadow beings...
And it is in the Continuation
That Initiation
Must never fade;
For we meet the fate of God
The face,
In our own
Everyday that we remain
That deep
Voice Of Knowledge...

Like a body of water deep,
The water, as liquid fluid Light...
Can you see it,
YOUR spark
That body of deep,
Your channel,
Into the outside world...
And never,
The other
Way around!

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