Sunday, June 29, 2014


"There are some things that can't be helped.."

I've had a life of this lesson, 
And still, 
In matters like this, Dear Love...

It is a concept like hearing it for the first time-

Is that what Love does? 

And in matters like this..
My world is once again more complicated...

No room for just black and white..

And well...
As I watch myself try to evade, 
And cope, 
I also watch myself fall, and watch you...
Watching me not be able to take my eyes off of you...

No other but you, 
Since that day I knew. 

"Some things, just can't be helped"...
Maybe even those things are destined to be: 

I am 
Loving You. 

Watching you yesterday, 
Made that one thing evident; 

Imperfections and all, 
I still crave you, when you are anything but an arm's distant reach, 

Because baby, incase you haven't noticed, 
I reach 
For you, 
Imperfections and all...

And is this what Love is? 
Imperfections and all. 
The feeling of home? 

Missing something, 
I never had..
Or maybe. 

I battle myself 
Over you...

But yesterday was easy; 
It always is...

Accept for the fact that I love you...
That is 
The hard part, 
Right now. 

As you protect yourself, the only way you know how, 
I watched my anger become love, 
Because it is, Anyway, 
And yesterday, 
I watched my Love, love you...
And it is so very hard, 
To never love you more; I always do. 
Love you, more. 
And so even if I am mad, 
Or was..

I am still in love with you-

The "some things just can't be helped part". 

So my part, 
In this then...

Is to continue to Do what I 
Am meant to do, Dear Love. 

Will Be Love
For you. 

For us. 
Because one thing is evident; 
That THAT, is what 
I am meant to do here. 

With you. 
To Love you, right. 

Until perhaps...

I just can't

Because maybe this was never about you loving me back-
Maybe you do...

Maybe, just don't. 
Maybe that part doesn't matter. 

Because Love, 
Is Love...

Not to be taken away. 
Not to be repressed or haulted. 

So if I am meant to love you..
Then let me simply...

Try my best, 
While you are here my love...

And before you are off...

And on your way. 

Am trying not 
To reach for you...

But my heart and soul quite take over when you are near...

And something else happens, 
Until you are gone again. 

And then, in your absence 
Yet, I cope once more...

And I don't think anymore, because I was. 
I don't question anymore, because I did. 

This is Love-
For me...
At its fullest, senses of uncondition just dripping from my amount of affection 
Over you. 

You are young. 
I don't even know if you care...

But that, yesterday, 
For the time being, 

Had ceased to matter. 
It always, with you, 
Ceases to matter, 
Doesn't it?! 

Because once thing may be getting clearer; 

I was meant 
To love you. 

It's not bad, 
Or vulnerable- 
JUST! Beautiful...

Just perfect. 
Because I do Love you...


I think 

That is why 
I reach....

Before I even have a chance 


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