Tuesday, June 24, 2014

In loe of you

You missed out..
On everything I wrote in loe of you...

Of every plastering memory, 
That burned, 
Like the hue of your eyes, 
And all the nights 
I laid open, 
Thinking and remembering 
Traces of you, lure like 
Ease and cake...
Dripping and drinking, and suddenly waking, like a dream, dream...

You were good 
At being gone. 

And the wake was intense; 
Like Hell. 
And I was wondering...
I have been sitting and wondering...

Where my Heaven has gone? 
What has happened to it? 
I'm still spun.
And spun over you...

Like a blow or two, 
And ringing left on the brain. 
You've been missing out...
On everythang..

I have been feeling...
And dancing and writing, 
As if we are two...
"Would you believe me if I said, I'm in love?"- the song I write this to 
In loe of you...

"Got me up all night...
All I'm singing is love songs...
Constant drinking and love songs
Downin out with these love songs...
 She got me open all night..."

She's got me open, 
All night...
Closing though, and shutting down now...
I think we had our one last time, 
Our round. 

My heart can't take
The loud, pounding...
And I...little me... 
I've learned to be better than this: where I've put myself 
In loe of you, 
And for you...

Yet, do u, reach for me? 
Stretch? Dive? Need me? 

I'm saying...
She got me up all night 

Drownin' out with these love songs...
Songs, she could have heard if she'd wanted...

But I can only guess, didn't. 

I can only guess... 
Can maybe even be wrong? 
But how likely is that? 
That I am wrong over this? 

Over you? 
Because I thought every moment, 
And song and word, 
And lyric and note, 
Hit over you, my muse...

I thought it was Life...thinking you were in it. 

But you were good at being gone; 
Have been. 

I curl up...
And feel the heart's broken drenching me...
Crisp with pain at a strained and panicked chest. 

It doesn't matter. 
It never does. 
Accept for maybe when it finally kills you. 
But I write these words confident...
You don't see them...
And unapologetic, because they 
Are my love for you. 

A love you will never return. 
A love, I may not want you to. 

Because you are already too good, 
At being gone. 

All while I, somehow...
Managed to fall

In love with you. 

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