Monday, June 2, 2014

The Capturer: The Take Over

Defeated; sitting 
In all of the feelings of defeat, 
When I think and feel about you...

Wading through the feelings 
And it's a little ridiculous...
The effect you, Moon..
Have on my currents. 

And as I walk away, 
Out of the wade I took upon your lake and in your shore...
Your arms, from the water, rear up, and wrap my legs and knees- 

You are everywhere...
And the universe is you...
And I am loving you...

Cruel Jokes;

That's what it feels like with You, 
Oh Universe and All around, 
As the little things stack, 
To mean 
Or nothing at all. 

Are you my cruel joke? 
Loving yet, 
Another thing, 
That can not be?
Or won't?

In my gut, it's began to set, and I eat not food too much, 
Because what? I miss her? No...
Because it is already falling apart...

And in that gut, 
There is you, 

And I don't even know you, 
I argue with myself. 

And maybe I actually do...
But I really still think I must not...

But the chance provided to...
Has been minimal anyhow...

And too late for games. 
Once the heart has entered the race. 

I forfeit. 
I can't love her... 
Like this. 

And it doesn't feel good anymore; 
Giving my heart away, 
Even if I tried to stop it...

I don't think it ever looked like I tried, but I did..
She just always had that way of driving me crazy anyway...
And I think...

Is that thing we call love. 
The thing that may bind us, 
Whether or whether not...
She could ever be mine, 
She may still make me crazy (for her) 
Against all rations in my mind...
Talking to this one...
Is like being cast with charms...
And I go in...
Thinking and ready for one thing, 
And as soon as she opens her mouth...

It's only us. 
Only her. 
Even I, 
Have managed to leave abit...
And our souls take over the foxtrot. 

Loving her is like being possessed a little. 

For sure. 
Something else in me, 
Just takes over...

And I can't...
Nor haven't 
Walked away...

Though, I swear...
I am still trying...

Because Baby...
I feel defeated. 

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