Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Time bares me not.

As I hurry around in a tizzy, 
Headache swindling sweet nectars off of my lips, but at least I sway 

To the keys, 
The mood, 
The music, 
The birds, 
All chirping, 
And theiving, 
And drinking 

Away the after affects
And current affects

Of letting 
Art and air, 
Pain and muscles, 
Soreness and relaxation, 
Thread Into me... 
And become one...

And how it does that

Through blacks keys, 
And hooping, 
Where on my building flat, I was flying, 
I swear, 
I was flying, 
And the wind was dancing me, 
And I was...


Thank God. 
Wind escapes...

And I thank the god, that feels like me...
Rising up from within. 

I am in and out 
Of living the dream...

Aching lifestyles like subconscious impressed into impact on me...

And I am just a crater. 

A Creator

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