Sunday, March 17, 2013

Running Mind

Houses Burning.
I see them in the distance- scattering ash,
And panic takes over me!
I can't help but to race,
As I run, thoughts, feelings,
That they have to do with me:

Did my mind set them ablaze?

And the sprint ruptures into heaving,
As fears strike cold and driving..

I can't help but to feel,
If I don't get there in time..

If I don't get there in time,
Something unspeakable will murder
What seems to mean something to me,
In those burning flames.
Wood like candy,
Pasts like secrets buried between stepfather and his daughter-
Sins, all unaccounted for,
Breathing on her sex-splattered body,
And in her, all hopes lost of someone prying him off every time.
It's no wonder
The House
Is burning.

I'm running,
Scared to Death,
He's in there..
The man,
My heart
Never got over.

Windows breaking out now,
As my feet are on fire trying to reach on time.
I start screaming out,
Every name-
Every name I care about,
Sure the fire is about to rip something from me-
Something vital,
Something I can't live without.
The winds and grasses thrash against my ears, as I wail and shout, looking for any sign there is someone left in there.
When I finally reach, stumbling and scrambling back up,
To my detriment,
The smokey blaze is gone.
I check, and check again,
But nothing.

The fire is gone.
The windows in tact.
The furniture arranged in delicate yet clumsy scatter.
Woods and porcelain,
But, no-body.

Nobody inside.


What was I running towards?
And what was there that instead ghosted an empty head?
A spiraled heart?
A soliloquy of a dream?
A mind searching?


Weren't there.
And the panic caved me.
Either way.
Burning house, or mind play..
The panic caved me...
either way.

Because it was all an illusion,
Steaming from the desperation
Of a running


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