Saturday, March 16, 2013

Dream Switch

"Come closer" his arm speaks
Rounding out and into me.
"I love you", a tight squeeze with lips to my solace, and words impressed without uttering
Hand moving up and gripping my skull;
I can feel the serene in his arm bending along his outline into me.

I would replay it over and over,
For sake of digesting and soaking in a love he never gave...

Or did he?

He, kissing me...
And not the kiss that struck, but rather his planted feet
That had grown roots from his heart,
And chest,
The planter box, where once I'd sown my seeds.

He, holding me...
No dream of escape this time,
More like,
A resting in his finally catching me,
As I ran into his arms,
Surprised consciously,
even to find him there, waiting for me
In a place I thought he could never be,
Nor find..

And to my own surprise,
Here, in This Dream,
It was like we had never been,
Far nor separate,
Hurt nor hurting,
Unloved nor scared..

But instead,
It was like going Home.
BEING home.

There was no running here;
No running Fear...

He knew me,
And pulled it in to his entire field,
Long ago accepting,
Not aware of the running I've seen him do in our waking life.

Unaware of my surprise
That he could
Or would
Just scoop me up,
Knowing our love: claiming, holding,
Never doubting a moment
There was anything outside of us.

No world but the one he knew,
With me in it..
Holding the outside crazy with a grain of salt,
Because in his arms,
He held his own universe,
In her;
In what they came to know
In eachother.
Solace dominated in her as arms holding closer and surprise he didn't remember their other life-
Waking veil like a soldier abandoning post and running for his right.
And in him,
Solace was her.
No, never remembering any time before his "Now",
Where all he knew,
Was in his arms,
His world was the window of her eyes.
And he was Home,
Never remembering a time,
When they ran in opposite directions,
Never remembering a time he uttered words he wouldn't take back,
Or hopped on trains just to escape...

He had caught her.
And here,
She found him, waiting...
Never suspicious, he could find her here,
Hiding away in her dream;
Clever Love.

Holding her.
Nothing outside our walls, as though the world remained,
He wasn't afraid of the apocalypse anymore
And it was in her,
He knew,
It was safe..
Having already conquered the world,
And now,
Having made his way back Home,
To make sure she, too, once and for all,
As so long ago he'd sworn..

That she too,
Was safe.

And so the tale goes..
He met me there, in my dream...

And I saw everything, endings and new beginnings.
We had finally
found each other.
And for once,
There were no worlds or wars between us.
And it didn't seem,
There would ever be,

Until she woke.

But even that,
Is its own dream...
And who are we,
To say which

In tales that switch,
And bodies that collide..
In energies that transverse gravities and human law's abide...
Who is to say
Which is which,
When dreams switch...

Because I swore,
That was the truest,
Most honest,
More real...
Than we had ever

And I felt
Like I
Was Home.

Until I woke,
And Maya's illusion
Was once again,
Painted all over
My face!

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