Saturday, March 9, 2013

In Betweens

Sometimes I get a little lost in the wait;
In the time between,
And the sore throats,
Or days of rest.
In the drive,
Of so many different directions-focuses like rays of light in every direction,
From a single source!

Because then there's days like these,
Where I just want to rest- need,
To rest.

I'm learning to put it all down-

Learning to wear this skin
As just that,
No more worries,
No more should's...

Just inspirations.
And on a different time not mine-
A surrendered timeline.

But sometimes,
I get lost.
Doubt creeps in; thoughts.
Fear, waring dreams titanic to change.
My own love, only contained by a small vessel of which it wants to shatter
And fragment,
To break free.

It's in the time in between she thinks,
"Can I really?"
"Will I really?",
Or will I fail? Will I be unhappy?
Will I never make my dreams?"

They are big ones!
Can I blame me?
Can I blame a little girl, still there inside, wiping away the messes of Love, and childhood?

I just watch her cry. Coddle her, brave it with her, looking for the words sometimes in my own mind to console for the moment's perfect "right".
She knows,
As well as I,
Sometimes we just have to brave it!
And keep going. One foot sometimes slowly at a time.
The old tale
Of the Tortoise & The Hare...
My Rabbit out there,
So sure he'll win.

Slowly, following intuition, with breaks,
In between,
When that voice slows or sounds not at all.

The in betweens.

Life is like that. Slow sometimes,
When we listen.
When we mark.
When we observe, and think,
And care..

...and Love.
And hope.

Life is like that..

When we wish,
And dream...

Not always steady in motion..
But rather balanced,

With in betweens.

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