Thursday, March 7, 2013

Head Here

Lay your head here, on my chest
And I'll hold you.
Warm heart,
Arms taking your head into me,
Where it belongs.

I'll hold you,
Like I'm supposed to.
Warm heart,
Sharing mine,
Honoring you,
Loving you...


Head here.
Laying warm.
Nothing wrong.
Hands holding
Your beautiful head
Safely into me.

I will keep you here.
Hold you here,
Revive you here,
And bring you back to life...
If you let me.

You have no idea, do you?
Silly thing!
How much she loves you...?

If you
But let her!

...sweet, sweet love.
Easy. Honest. Here.


But here.

And we're so far, aren't we...
Silly things,
You and I...

So far, yet so close...
How can love be so hard?
So scary,
When it's so easy?
And so safe?

Isn't it.

Isn't it.

I love you,

You silly, stupid thing.
Saying that smiling..

You there, if that's where u want to be....

I'll be here, holding you.
Head here.
Chest warm.

Silly you.
And all this stupidity.
Letting all the pains go.

They don't belong
In our home


Love lets go.
But She holds with strict memory
In the barely touched places of Her heart
Those that somehow
Break down her doors..

Even, when She's admonished them not to.

In Her home,
She holds you,
While letting go...

Because real love,
Honest love,
Knows only that:
The gift of giving.

I take you
Here to my chest,
Where you belong, because I know this healing touch..

And here I hold you.
And let you go..
All in the name,
Of a saving love.

Chest warm.
Head here...
And arms squeezing you tight.

With a goodbye,
And a goodnight..

We meet,

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