Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dream Catching The Rabbit

For the first time
You held me.
I ran through the rooms in this house-
She was driving me crazy as always,
And there you were; Real..

And I ran into your arms,
Backing up, looking,
Waiting for some sense that you would turn away...
But you pulled me closer,
As if there was no other place I belonged,
But right there.

It seems in some sorts of forever, or some long time,
That I had been yours and you, my Love, so mine...
And God, was it so warm-the warmth I'd imagined!

It is so hard for me to remember the fragments...
For when we awake, dreams in their tale, are so mostly lost...
But I do remember fading pieces;
Remnants of us, as some Long ago,
And at some meeting of Home,
Where for once,
My dream let me catch you.
Taste you.
Have you and hold you...
And for once,
You actually had no intention of letting go.
You kept me. We knew, I was yours...
And we knew,
There was no place you'd rather be..
Than in
Our Love.
God, you were happy; in Peace..
And I was In Love...and safety.

And it was
For the first time,
The closest,
We've ever been.

For once,
My dream
Let me catch you..

It wasn't only a dream, no.
Worlds were penetrated.
I've rarely known a dream so real..
And it was enough, to give me peace into us; into this-
Into not needing anything other than just living "The Dream".

It connected me to you,
The only way I needed:
In pure,
And some form
Of Heavenly Love...

Needing nothing anymore,
Because where you are,
I AM...
And where I AM,
You are...

And that,
Is truly,
(For the first time)


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