Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Chapel

I carried you for four years. 

  ...and you, carried me. 

I took your face, your heart 

  In my hands

As we exchanged willingly. 

You would take my bags, 

  And heave them on your back, 

A life's burden you always 

  Would bare

And I took your heart into mine, 

  A contract of shelter & care. 

Something befell me, a trance and a trace

  When I saw the pain I could cause 

I promised then, with Angelic grace 

I would protect you regardless of flaws. 

And we danced and we danced

  All night through, falling in your arms, 

As Sinatra strew and through me across

 You and I pittering our feet to his charms. 

We were always unbroken, 

stricken between two, 

no matter the run or escape

Tied between, by an invisible might, 

A flame of Two adorned by One made. 

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