Saturday, September 14, 2024

Holy Bound


What a fragrant

 and cop-able mess you are. 

Dusted across everything. Scattered 

 and battered, 


and Beaten & Ferocious! 

Woven into the fabric 

  of undercurrent, bound by 

Love & the mind in Love. 

Like oxygen, 

You are everywhere here, 

 And beating in my belly. 

You are the blood in my veins, 

   and the electric pulse that drives me- 

That gives Life afterall. 

What I take in in air, is you there, 

Sweet Phantom. 


Force torn amidst fortification. 

Love as Him, Him as God,

A Holy Spirit of Union. 

Bound Holy. 



I swallow, in the whole, 


 consuming in haunting and hypnotic lullabies. 

One of counted toppled world's

Beneathe the underside of many skies. 

She inhales, chest's burdens 

  maximizes her wing-span,

a paradigm of fire, 


Soldierly. Hampered by the restless weight 

  burden of all their weight, 

the mind an antique den. 

An Asylum.

A War-Zone. 

Her Heart is as wide as all Deep. 

  Containing Everything. 

She holds it- bares it, 

  Mother of containment. 

Womb of Shadows, 

Womb of Light, 

Intricate vessel



a creature of another kind. 


Creature of whole. 


With all the roles and personage

Carnage and love concaved. 


  the coal of death's forgiving grave,

and the colour of Light's fractional maze. 

She is the Creature of Epitome. 

A Darkling bestowed God's grace. 

She is the death of your old life 

And the smile on your child's face. 


"You" by Keaton Henson


"Piece By Piece"


By Kelly Clarkson

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Dragon's Heart


Oh restless soul

 I shall forgive 

Alas, you swell so 

What a ravenous sea creature 

 a bellied beast, 

Oh sweet thing, 

Tame, tame. 

Your beauty irrevocably ornate, 

  Your brow a scaled black beauty, 

A winged beast I can ride on

  Between worlds anew 

and seas beneath. 

How I love you so...

 How I can never go back 

For in this world, I can not live without us. 

 Your are my Beast. 

  Holder of my heart and fire, my flame of Pele, 

My cosmic breath.

When you die, I shall have to die with you, 

 Keeper of my soul. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Tempest. Thou wilt abide me! 

  How I cower in no land and shall not I then, 

Cower for you! 

Defy me! You might try, 

  But you will abide me, 

Your turning eye. 

Wrath has no cover here, 

  your winds may blow...

But you will bow to me, 

  Insights, O' the many, 

You shall bow! 

Heave and throw as you may, 

  I stand this mighty ground, 


O' bout of faith, how you test me so. 

Brave and brazen with play. 

I loved our thrashing and tumultuous days 

 O' the many, 

But your time has come here, Storm! 

I have to put you away.  

The Nest


Love nest


Beguiling space in your soul, 

Lay here tenderly, 

Retracted and refrained from the world 

Put it down 

 Upon my chest 

Take Shelter; 

Love nest, 

 a woman's Whole. 

Tending, tending

an encased retreat 

   a safe haven, 

Made of love and wool. 

Juliet's Vile


Draped over me. 


 No sound at all but violins 

  and compounding heartbeats, 

Distant and thrashing.

 Closer and nearer. 

Ripened vile upon my chest

  The night and elixir grow colder 

Sipping my sweet to meet you

  In death as we'd always foretold.

I put this vile upon my lips, no saviors in life's thresh

But for in death, I might see you again, 

Rather than dying here 

  and growing of old.