Friday, May 16, 2014

The Sit

I'm seeing a different vision now; 
A different VERSION now...

As I sit back on my hot bed, 
And listen to the birds vibrantly twitter away outside my window. 

I absorb, the quiet of my mind, 
And the surround-sound-
No TV. 
Genki passed out beside me;
I am quiet with absorb, 
Though Loud all at once. 
Peaceful with watchfulness, 
Though screaming underneath. 
I watch THAT too...

And the vision is different now...
Version different. 

As the peace around me, forms matter into movements, and movements into matter. 

As the life around me, goes on, but invites me to go on with it. 

As nature finds her way through, to prevail, so will I...

And no...I don't know who it will be that comes along, but I bend flexibly 
As though it is all a dance anyways. 

My thoughts and wants sometimes crowd within me....
I rest them down, 
And watch her. 

I am beginning to fall in love...
And beginning to fall in love with life...
Though she is curtailing me with fears as I endeavor into these mild drifts and steady paces...
That just as well 
Rush fast. 

Fear tries to catch up, 
But I ride my driftwood, almost sailing away, and "riding the wave"...
Because there is no use, 
In fear anymore. 

And THAT's where, 
The Different version...
This new vision...that I rest and play in...
Comes into "play". 
It is a mode, I adjust to "shapeshift", 
But the skin fits me funny and I am trying to get used to 
Our pace... 
Nature and I. She...and I...

Used to The Vortex's say so 
On matters like this; time. 

That is ALL life is...

So I sit...
In this time...
And absorb the thoughts crowded but bearable...
The notions underneath but scarcely seen...
The feelings of all and both those things...

And I drift gently, after paddling all day. 
I have found a spot of shade. 
A place to rest. 
As the Island, She is my arms. 

The Tree , She is my Shade, and therefore Life & Protection...

And here, I rest. 

Each day goes by...
And more and more, I feel I am on my river Elf-ling version of HuckFinn..

And that is because with Life...She & I celebrate and dance the dance we do...

I absorb Her in the moonlight...
And the night sky with stars abound, where too, 
I dance, and play...
And Dwell. 

One breath..of absorb... 
In my breezy nights...
Followed by one breath 
And one breath
And one breath more...
As another 
And another, 
Become an entire life


And so I take another...

And watch...
The absorb..
In and out...
Like a dynamic Orb- we can never be solely one. 
In to receive, reserve, rest, look, dell..feel, absorb, be...

Out to exert, enforce, create...inspire,

But we can never be one soley. 


And here...little Earth..
I dwell with thee...
In thee...
And upon thee...

As I love thee
For loving me. 

And Shading me...
So that I too...
Might take MY moments...
To observe and absorb thee. 

This is why I cry for you...
For what we have all done...

And why I cry for myself, 
And our world alike....

But Oh, Dear Vortex...
How you lift me up and serve me with the sight to re-see... 
Your Time. 
Life in you. 
Through you... 
On your time...

And THAT, 
Is a reverent sight! 

So I sit...
And I take a breath, 
And I catch you once more...

In just another way...
That I have never seen you before...
And it is only more Beautiful... 
As ever...
Enough to Die...
Knowing I'd seen 
The Light. 

To My Sky, 
My Moon, 
My Tree, 
My Island..
And Me...

To My Stars...
And My Heart
And The Eyes You've given me to see (with) 

I may absorb, 
But I here now, tear, 
As she in me cries
At the magnitude 
Of what it all feels like- The Divine Spectrum...

Falling into, 
And in and out of revering grace...
To absorbed emotion..


I guess it is many a place my soul "hath" been...
And yes...much more of it treacherous 
Than not...

Grow our trees again. 
I cry giving you back Life, My Love...

And together we make a new Earth... 
Young and Reborn...
Grown over with vining bright life, once again. 

I dance under Our Moonlight, and Chant the old songs of our kind. 

I feel free again... 
And the Vortex, she moves me. 
Moves in me. 
And sometimes, 
Even with me. 

I absorb....


I dance my Rain Songs

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