Saturday, May 24, 2014


Take my hand, because I'm running...
can you see it?

Take my hand...because Im running and these fields are calling my name...
but i can't go anywhere without you.
can you feel it?

I give up, child, I do...
to these people and the way they would have our head turn
at any little thing.
opinions turn, love...and they spin...
and won't you..
take my hand..
and we'll run together, not away...
but towards for once,
what do you say?

Can you feel it?

Your freedom,
breathes in rushes of marked escape...
yet you bare your shackles
to execute being your own slave...

but what if i could
just take your hand...
and let us run into Heaven...
fields and field's
of us,
and music,
and sun,
and love...
and freedom being breathed up,
like flower songs.

and trips deep...
some high...
some just deep
where perhaps therein dwells
this You and I...

so wont you...
take my hand...
and let us run free
towards what we both see..

it is our life anyway...
they only can't see...
because they do not look through the eyes we fathom with, Dear.

But the world to me...Her field's....
they call...
because it is OUR world, love.
so won't you take my hand...and I'll keep your heart...just a few..
or until you...
may want to leave.
but just a fair warning, dearest...
you may never want to.

and so let us run together...
let us make
what calls to us.
let us make.
that life that beckons ours souls forward.

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