Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Clipped-Winged Dove

I woke up to images of your face. 
Your starbright eyes smiling at me...
Everything risked..
But the morning is bright...

And tossing, 
To my sleepy sight
You came in and out like a dream...
Images...and images 
Of everything 
It has taken for me to absorb you...

Your starbright eyes...
Smiling hiddenly back before me. 

And why it feels like a secret 
Even to us. 

I do believe I love you little girl...
I do see how I just must. 

All curled up...
In everything you choose to give...
And choose to give to
..for now. 

For now. 

My mind shifts and weaves in disbelief, 
"No it can't be, u foolish thing"...

But mended, 
There you bind me. 
Even though little one, how YOU 
Are the one with the clipped wing; my dove. 

My Dove. 

Dear Love. 

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