Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Fence

Summer Love...
I breathe you up and in me...
I take your hands 
And graze your finger length to their nails, 
And feel the softness of it all, 
Like electricity.

I let the storm clouds contain you, 
And try not...
Dare not...

To contain you...

Somewhere underneathe, as I, your are a pixie in my palm...
Ever with me, tinkering...

And that's all it is. 
(Well not all)...

And it's okay...
I say...
As my heart breaks, 
And I wonder what it is that bites me to notice. 
I wonder...indeed little Tink..
What I might be missing. 

Their words stir, in whispers about...
And I am remembered how...
Oh, you can never stop mouth from its flame....

I won't try. 
Will I...
Raust myself about, whether or not to do what comes so naturally. 

I try building fence...you come around, and I put it down

I try building sense...
You come around, and make it loud...
And secumb, in me, my "sixth" sense. 

"Charmed, mi lady...charmed". 

I put it down...
Pick the tools back up...
See your walk and forget...
What I was talking about...

Charmed, til tools are shed...
And the fence, remains, 
In scattered 2x4's and irrelevant plans.

The site's been abandoned. 

And I wonder...

Where have they gone...? 

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