Saturday, June 1, 2013


Take me; take me
Where Bethoven rips on English Harps
But time is broken in Astral travel.
It is a projection, dream, screen
We can see through.

It isn't real, but what we create of it.
Sending it out for return.
Breathing it out,
For return...

And riding the waves of wind and heaven,
Mother Gaia,
And all her hue..

I am on that boat on the river. Vining branches touching the water...

And I am in New York.
And I am where you take me.
And I am where we are, where we go,
Where we wind.

Natural. Already done.
Taking me...
Because I'll breath in that 70's charge of soul, relax down,
Blow out,
And watch the Bayou Banter of Banjo and old rhythm blues,
Play the most kickass mind-blowing journey...
Travel it, taste it, before we change the mood.

I need to leave this life behind; this world we run from...

And now,
I need to leave it
With you.

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