Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Somewhere beneath your exterior,
Love me.
Find it in you to love me, show me..hold me, crave me...
Because this desert island contains only me now...
You in for an occasional chat...

Do u love me?
U don't stay to kiss me like you do...

Or care...?
You don't linger to find a way through.
How is it that on an island,
I feel like I am drowning?
How many ways or times can one thing be said?
"Love me".
Who are you?...

Big deals.

Drowning under big deals,

Subtle suffocation.
Subtle, subtle hues..

As words render fluttering,
To the ground.
Where no home rests..
Not even in heart anymore.

I don't know you.
Feel lied to.
Big deals- small..
And now what..
Do I do?

Do u care?
I mean really, do u?
U say that you do,
But so did they,
And so do you,
And is caring so cleverly keeping your mouth shut?
Or attention pierced?
Is caring
Leaving me to suffocate?

I'm in tears...
From your caring..
Your love..
Lets discuss that.

Tears from the secrets, the sacrifice..did we know?
To speak...
To move..

But it had gone frozen...
Chances cold.

Who are you?
And what have I done?

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