Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Heavy. Secluded. Far away.
The veil in between worlds where here,
How we've forgotten our face-

Colliding ignorances
Painted over filters
Placed cozily enough for Hell
To still feel heavenly.

The moments we see beauty pierce through leaves of shades
And watch "puppies"
Seem to be the only anchoring channels for things long forgotten
By our race;
Our kind.

I am tired,
And rest and bow my head down- feels
Like I've been taking care of people my whole life,
And the strength here is Jolted,
By the lack of love and truth
We allow and not allow.
So I just put my head down a while
..and rest.
..feels like I've gone off island.
..don't know why it wants to scream?

I miss my island.
My land.
Though I know I am here now still, on its coast.

It is something about out...there...
And not here,
Amongst all the rest.

Nothing but Self,
And land,
& Water Blue,
Pele and Air..

I miss her.
Her Magic.

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