Monday, April 28, 2014

The Capturer: The Nocturnal Journal

At 5:40 in the morning,
I catch myself running a hot bath, and adding lavender and peppermint oil to it to ease my aching body.

From some 2:30am in the morning, I have not been able to fall back asleep....
First falling asleep in some kind of bowing position with a pack of frozen fruit to an aching temple, from not too much drinking...
But maybe too much life, and not enough water.
So my bath is run,
And the birds are awake,
And the dawn peaks to love me, into this new day...
And the aching has ceased a bit...
And I remember how my reading today told me to focus on
"Harmony....Reverence...and Awe"...and I think about the word "awe-some" and how she uses it a lot without even realizing the depth at which she is expressing words.

The 2:30 am- wake-up-call....
Seems to be a regular thing since she has entered my life. And I think about that native-American proverb, how they say if you can't sleep at night, it is because you are awake in someone-else's dream...

Well and...
Knowing what I know...
I wouldn't be surprised if our souls sneak out at night to meet...

Knowing what I see, between
This one, and me.

And I can't lie, it's a thousand things tht are on my mind daily: goals to meet, ways to be, how do I accept, how do I move forward, how do I utilize time efficiently to accomplish the most with this life...and moving away from that battle I've always had, feeling like I am always entire races behind...
Then I think...about Hawaii....
And the tortoise and the hare....
And how both taught me, it is timely...and actually miraculous to slow down...and to do so in a way, where u are still connected to mother nature's vortex and "synchronicity".

I mean...I guess that's the lesson I try to hold onto,
As these some-thousand needs demand of me, to get on the ball...
"Life takes time" I said....
It seems true.

I don't have the means to pay teams yet, to see me through, all these concepts...all these business endeavors...all the assistance I need, just so I can "muse myself away" in my art...and for the world...
So I do that anyway, and suffer the errands that stack...a slow chopping away at them...but still never enough...though I'm challenging myself to NOT think that way....rather to remember...
EVERYTHING is on time....including miracles and assistance. And I'm working some things up, through or heard from myself and guides, I'm also slowing myself down.
I guess so its manageable; I already process so much has been brought to my attention. One reading with me, and they "have to process" for days....

I'm thinking...
That's how I think most moments, each day....
Then It sinks in why I get headaches.
Or worn out....IT IS a lot...everyday...
The only thing that manages it is my other side, my intuition...
Against the ramblings and the backbeats of thoughts, thoughts, processing daily.

So I take my bath...write a little, and decide to finally color my hair.

Take a few snapshots where the beauty screams "try and capture me", and somehow, manage to do my Internet thing before setting my alarm and napping.

There is something captured here;
I couldn't tell you what it is...
Something that seems to be harnessed by the birds who awoke early with me.
Something about an embarking dawn,
Met by entering summer.
A squanderable love...
A lot of dreams...
And the me
That keeps changing.

And since I have been losing sleep, since you've come in; she...
I understand the meaning of the owl,
As she constantly reminds me...

Of Nocturnal Rhythms...
And seeing through illusions,
And relying on my "keen senses"...
To get me through
That which will fall ahead!

Off to work now.

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