Friday, April 18, 2014

"Summertime" Jazz and You

One thing They will say about me,
How I never stopped inventing myself-
How She was famous in her own right;
Like Bonnie & Clyde...
How she moved a nation,
With the flux of her understanding,
And the hope and Depression of a time,
Never lost,
In the incarnate Blues that was
When She was.
I see hookers on the wall,
Like an art...
Jazz mind, filling the soul-
Their soul;
Drunken from despair needing refuge...
So we smoked our blues,
And lost ourselves in a time, where that seemed that was all there was
Left to do...

And now, generations down the latter..
We are only now remembering...
There is so much...
And so much after all
That is based...
On EXACTLY, what we do...

And now, more than ever...

More than ever!

So, me...I just smoke my blues,
And sink my silky self back
Into the sultry life that is mine.
I muse, that's what I do...
So I indulge too...
And teach others how to...
While yes...
Soaking up the lessons they so teach back, love back...
As the saxophone just spills
All over the table...
Between you, and me.

God that sounds & me.

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