Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Maybe the words are slower to rise lately,
As the music arises and rumbles,
And as the visions become spectacles I get lost in.
I get Lost in love..
In the music my radio speaks,
And the "where I have yet to be".

I'm rather enjoying,
My time,
This time around.
The dreams, are gigantic..
And they are close...
And I am almost there, climbing this steep mountain...but I can finally see the plateau...
And it is in walking distance now.
Nothing seems more right,
Than hearing myself on the radio.
Nothing seems more right, than emerging myself
In the vision
That is coming through me.
"Cuz we got the fire, fire, fire and
We gonna let it burn, burn, burn burn"

Change the channel,
And there I am again,
Being spilled over the piano's tears: "say something, I'm giving up on you"
And I watch myself drip...
Back in the memory,
When this song wrote,
What I needed to move on.

...and how I did.

This world
Is not real to me.
Where I am unknown.
Where I HAVE to work,
To make "end's meat"...

I know myself.
And she is already on that stage,
Dancing her life away,
With millions breathing up "the voices inside of my head", not trying to save me, or the "monster under my bed",
But rather,
Trying to save themselves.
I am a lantern
They flock to...
And I just need,
To show up, for them...
And for her, My Ari..
We need this.
Need this "intervention"...
Need me,
To show up

(For this debut.)

So it's always the "moments in between" that seem to contain me.
In them, is where I lay-
The true of who I am...

But I miss my stage...
And I'm ready to play!


I'm ready to do this thing, you've placed in front of me!
So lets make it happen!
It's time!

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