Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fairy Love

I will lay under the skies now.
Breathe up.
Take in those clouds that whisper low hums and buzzings of trees.
Marsh flats,
Or across universes anywhere.

She is singing, to me, the universe,
A face,
And I rise up,
Smiling, smiling,
As I greet constellations In my sleep...

And that lovely love
Encompassing me,
Like a hug...
Like a hug...
Fairy who steals my flowers.
Giant, who hugs me bare

I dare not
Fall in love with your face, though already too many glances hath I had...
Your eyes, brilliant..

And though I concern myself
With how much they look at your constellations,
I also gaze back, stunned...

Stepping back once more...

So that I don't...

I know...
Too much..
Know they, will never be, me...
Know I, could give you the world...
Know you,
Must want me, for me to.

But I don't know.
Falling back...
Loving my favorite, that smile...
Loving my favorite; those eyes, with that smile.

Do not take it, Fairy,
And break it fairy- I didn't ask for that.

Do not come like a thief, in my free night,
And take the one thing,
You can not return.
I beseech, little fairy...
Put my heart, right back where u got it.

Because I,
Already don't,
Want my days without my Tink.

Think, Ariel, Think...
Even though, everywhere I turn,
Suddenly, she,
There, is...
Think, Tink, think...

Putting it away...
Afraid, afraid...
Don't do this to me.

I can't take another enchantment.
Another charm...
Your fingers, silky...
Your heart, a sky...I fly through...
In woman, I find, there is universe THROUGH you..


It up...
The clouds, on my back, the night, solo...
With me under it...
The buzz...
And you...
And her...
And him...
And you...

The sweat that lays my hair,
Is from the burden of my love.

I know you do not see,
But I have been bound in chains...

And I will hide them,
So you do not see.
Hide them...
So they do not see...
Dance with them,
Abound and binding me...
So that it seems like it's
Just what is meant to be-

But really,
I'm just hiding them,
From your glance...

Abating time, restless once more...
Like loving you is wrong somehow...
When it has only been right.

I feel
In your arms...
Never letting go...
To where one of us belongs;
But what is love,
Amidst fairies.

I fear,
It is fleeting.
Too soon.

Falling asleep,
To their dancing,
Your charms,
Your smile,
It's eyes-
Fairy, that is so much mine...
But not...

For I am merely enchanted.
Caught, and spellbound...

Beseeching nymph I know,
To put my heart back
For which you found...

You have no intention to keep it.

Lay it down,
For another.
For myself.
Under this blood moon tonight.

Or tie me in.
Broken hearts
Break wings...

And I'm still healing, fairy...
So please,
Rest your hand from my heart...
Or hug me deep...
I can not keep...
I can not keep...

Free you, before I love you..
Go before I can't.

Hypnotize me..
That you are not as you seem...
But please little creature...
Do not steal my heart from me...
Do not steal this thing I need.
Do not.

I fall back...
Into the sky...
And far...
And u
And I let you slip from me...

Until you don't.
Or won't.
Or do.


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