Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Starry Eyes

You're In my senses;
And I catch your magic
Though I heed your subtlety said my love, I also
Heed you.

Your fingertips drape me,
As we pass,
And clasp hands...
As you sit beside me..
As you watch me,
Watching you,
And laugh, smiling...

Because my mouth is jaw open,
And my view, enamoring.

Your eyes,
Are like clowns putting on a performance.
Your words, however, honest...
Vulnerability dripping
In needs and "I-don't-needs"...

And am I "reading" you clearly?

You are real, and tangible...
And I back off,
Although I don't.
Because I can't.
And because I won't.

Until I have to.

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