Wednesday, October 9, 2013

To My Other Half

Dear Omnipresence...

..I miss you.
Your love is so sweet, like summer.
Goodbye youthful play.
How I can say,
I loved thee...

Though more, I owe,
To me...
And so,
Goodbye, dear Soul, oh piece of me.
How I will miss that sweet kiss,
And those kitten eyes.
Goodbye, my Soul.
Now's the time to cry.
I'm glad I held you one last time..
Glad my soul was smart to can up that presence I will miss so...
Though I must

Still, I know
That this is so...
As sweet as you've ever been...
It is me withering...
And not you.
You deserve better
Than me withering and teetering...
No matter how much this girl in me loves you.

...but even now..

You still have nothing to say.
And I see that's okay..
Loving you still.
Ever still.

Both of us knowing,
This is just another journey.

So wanted to keep you...
But I cried finally realizing today..
"That if you REALLY love something...
You WILL let it go"
If that is what is called for.

Love You!

*kisses your cheek*
And I will miss
Making you smile!

-Your Love

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