Monday, October 21, 2013

My Monday Memoirs

Eating a peanut butter sandwich to keep myself alive,
As my body seems to want to process shutdown instead.
De-friended somebody on FaceBook when they ranted on about people's postings seeming pathetic and seeking sympathy-fought the notion to comment, then sat on the thoughts in and out for some hours before determining, "unfriend". It wasn't personal, it's just, I'm one of those people sometimes- I know what it's like to be lost, or alone, an need somebody, anybody...even if it just writing on a wall to scream your pain...or nowadays..FB.
people are beautiful. As they burn, and fall, and especially as they get back up...
I figured she wouldn't mind if I don't give her a reason to judge my expression.
We were never friends anyway...

That in account. Here I am. Writing as usual. The days have been good, but they have also been tragic, hard, and utterly world-crashingly real!
The thing that keeps me going, is this notion of hope, this brilliant light, that is inside me, that is re-learning to burn bright again.
I have every reason to fear accept for the fact, that none of them are real...rather illusion;
To fear anyways, is so counter-productive to the stand that I need to be now.. For myself, if nobody else...
But I would like to think a bit..that my stand is for the world.
We are all judged, and's just how we correct our judgments, perspectives, and thinking, that REALLY matters.
So when I see a post like that, all I see is lack of compassion...not necessarily in the individual...but at least, in their judgements.
Here's to burning brighter another day.

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