Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To All My Beloved Readers

In Honor of You!

I just wanted to profoundly say Thank You, for reading my blogs, and going through this journey with me! Last month I had 111 page-views! Not only a high number :) But a truly sacred number!

11 is a Master number! It is to be revered and noticed, often embodying the sense of Life Mastery,
as well as the underlying drive, of "what's next, what do I need to do now?!"
In that, it makes sense that it would be a "Master" number, as, one can never master their life, passion, or purpose without that drive pushing and pushing them!

What's more, 111 (or 1111) is a number signifying Divine Awakening and the opening of a new energetic pathway!

This is Doreen Virtue's iteration of 111:

"An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality.  Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring they match your desires.  Put down any energy into thinking about fears at all, lest you manifest them."

I started this particular blog, as a way to really express my humanity; in all it's spectrum of good, bad, blessed, and ugly!
This blog is a place where I can be me, and not worry about being
The Perfect Partner
The "Have-It-All-Together" Life coach
The Peacemaker
The Hero
The Persona of "Everything is always amazing"

I find, when you are an Empathic nurturing soul, that comes from a trauma ridden background, and still who even may make daily mistakes, regardless of OUR quest of Peace or Mastery,
Life and how it shows up, can be trying, hurtful, unhealed, uncertain, risky, crazy, and any other spectrum of human emotion.

To this day, I struggle with what it is like to not have had a SINGLE adequate parent around to show me, support me, love me, the way I needed.  And for so long I thought that this was in the past...but when I started to notice the inadequacies of my mother show up in my love life...the absence of both my parents emotionally and physically, showing up in the abandonment patterns of my Partners...
I really had to stop everything, and take a good hard look at the things I had been overlooking for years. 
My journey is the journey of a traumatized little girl, grown up too fast, into a world that tried to swallow her. 
But something happened along the way, where both she enchanted the divine, and the divine enchanted her, and it is through my everyday miracles that I have kept going, and have learned to go strong. 
I am truly, finally ascending into my Womanhood now, and with that, my own Mastery over myself and this life!
It is no Coincidence, that I just had my Mastery Seminar this month, and no coincidence that 111 showed up for the month as well!

Quick thing I wanted to share:
One thing I noticed recently about Oprah Winfrey (we share the same birthday- I'm proud), is that this woman is extremely empathic and "sensitive" like me...
Yet she would everyday, go out into the world, and shine her light so bright, millions were touched.
I watched how she did this, and the scary and miraculous part, was that she did it through authenticity! Through being herself, with no remorse (though occasional embarrassment). 
She stated she had never gone to therapy at one point (don't know if that changed)...but i watched as Oprah made millions op people, the people she cried and reached out to.  Oprah's therapy was her TV show.  She made one statement one day when confronting a political figure, "why not tell the truth?!"
Well that is what Oprah did! She always told the truth about herself, which takes courage, and inspires THIS young, abused girl, to tell hers.

It is my hope in this blog, and in expressing my humanity, that many of you will relate to what is needed.  That is why I am doing it!  And that is why I am taking a stand in a difficult hour, to still show my face, even if it drenched in blood, tears, and the victimized feelings I am working to overcome!

One Another note:
I will have a "Soul Channelings" Blog through my work as Ariel Newborn.
This blog will only entail higher wisdom's and truths, of light and love! And it will be for all of you, my beloved people, brothers and sister's alike!

Thank you for seeing me through my humanity, and partaking in the journey of processing out the old negative programs of self,, that I may shed that darkness, and embrace more, my Light Nature!

You have all moved me! And I Thank You and God, from the depth of my committed soul!

Your Lioness of God

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